Bag is a constant accessory of each woman. A new bag is a small shopping story. How hard it is difficult to pick up a handbag under the summer wardrobe to be comfortable, stylish, under all suitable, roomy and easy. All these requirements are answered by a knitted hook bag.
What will take to knit bags with crochet
In order to tie a hook handbag, you need to be able to raise the main loops: it is traditionally a chain (simple air loop), columns with nakid and without connecting columns (ss).
Let's connect the bag-avoska, which is comfortable to wear over the shoulder. It is much more practical than the polyethylene package and the place does not occupy a lot. The size of the eco-handbag in 33 cm width, and the length of the finished product is 38 cm without taking into account the length of the handles.
It will take to knit:
- hook number 4;
- yarn of any color to the choice - 70.
As part of the yarn, acrylic and cotton 55 and 45% must be present, the motok 70 g \u003d 258 m. Knitting density: on 16 columns without Nakid and 18 closed rows there should be a square equal to 10 cm.
- "SS" - connecting column;
- "SSN" - a column with Nakud;
- "SBS" - b / nakida column.
Knit hook bag
- Beginning - from the bottom of the handbag, air loop (100 pcs.).
- Close at the end, sticking 1 connecting column.
- In a circle, 1st row: the first loop is air, then 1 p. "UBN". And so until the end of the row. Circle in the circle: Loop "SS".
- Next row: air loop, knit 1 loop "SBS" in a place where the last "SS" is located. Next, we score 5 air loops, the following skip. Next, 3 columns without a Nakid and then 1 "scan" in the subsequent column. Repeat anew (5 air loops) and so to the end. Close a row: dial 2 air hinges and 1 column with Caida in 1 column without Nakid.
- The next third row: We recruit 5 air loops, 1 "SBS" need to be inserted into an army of 5 kettops, repeat the steps before the completion of the series. We finish a row, tissing 2 air loops, then 1 "SSN" in the last column with Nakud.
- In this way, until it is ready for a canvas, equal to 37 cm.
- We close a row: Type the "SS" in the arc of 5 loops, knit 1 air, then 3 columns without an insert in the arch, * I have 1 column without a Nakid in the "SBS", 3 "SBS" in the arch of 5 chain loops and so repeat the action From the sprocket to the end only 2 times.
- At the end of the row, it is necessary to check 1 column without Nakid to the next "scan", 2 "scan" in the arch of 2 air loops, 1 "scan" in the last column of Nakid. Circle circle, tie 1 connecting column. There should be 102 columns without Nakid.
- The final 2 rows do so: the first air loop, then 1 "scan" in each column, the last loop is a connecting column.
- Thread cut and fasten.
- We fold the handbag, roll up the cloth to align, and stitch the bottom.
- When you sew bottom, you need to outline from one and the other side of 14 central loops - to unscrew the handle.
Knit handles for hook bag
- Facial part of the product: Attach the thread without an inch. Check 1 air loop, "scan" into this loop. Check 13 "scan". Turn the job.
- Next row: first air loop, then 1 "scan" to the end. Turn the product.
- Continue to a length of 35 cm. Thread must be cut off.
- The next part of the handle is progressing similarly, only the thread does not rush to trim. You need to tie 2 parts of the handles into a single whole (1 column without a nakid), then trim the thread and fasten the handle.
You can link 2 handles and attach them traditionally on each side of the handbag.