How to knit crochet

How to knit crochet

When the teacher explained the teacher in school at school in the classroom, the teacher explained to all the principles of crochet, hardly any of the students understood a little bit that it can really come in handy in life - then it was just a lesson to serve and forget. But now the realization that the teacher spoke a little thing, and it was necessary to listen to him more closely ...

After all, now, knowing how to crochet, you can not just save yourself and all my family from the cold in the autumn-winter season, creating a whole wardrobe from knitted things, but also to do it stylish, walking up with fashion, as knitted things have been And will always be in the trend!

But you should not worry if you still do not know how to knit, as it is never too late to learn, and any great journey begins with the first step.

In crochet aza, the most important thing is to learn how to knit columns without Nakida, with Caid, with two nakis, etc. Moreover, it is not difficult at all! We take a hook and threads. It is advisable to take the threads not very thin, but not too thick, we would recommend acrylic, as they are not fastened, thanks to which the drawing is well traced in knitting - and this is very important for those who are just starting to knit. It is also very important to choose a hook to the threads. Usually on packing with yarn is written, what should be the number of the hook - it is desirable to follow this tip.

How to knit crochet

  • First, knit a chain of air loops, the number of which should coincide with the number of desired columns with Nakud plus 3 additional air loops that we need for lifting.
  • Now, while sticking the air loops, we make the nakid, clinging to the hook thread so that it is on top of the hook.
  • Next, we produce a hook to the fourth air loop and, clinging the thread, pull it out of the air loop. We should have 3 loops on our hook.
  • The next step is to capture the thread to stretch it through 2 hinge on the hook. There should be 2 loops on the hook.
  • Re-maneuver capture the thread again and now stretch it through 2 loops on hook. The first column with Nakid is climbing.
  • Next, repeat knitting to the end of the row. To go to the next row, it is enough to tie 3 air loops, turn the knitting and start over.

Cooking kicked with crochet, you can already connect a scarf or cap, as this is the basis for the whole knitting. Also, learning to knit columns with Nakud, you can significantly speed up the entire crochet process, since making columns above, the need to knit additional rows is reduced, namely, this is the basic principle of Knitting Nakid.

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