How to learn to knit crochet

How to learn to knit crochet

The tool is so simple as a hook, miracles create miracles in skillful hands. Openwork shawls, sweaters, dresses, bags, caps - products are always individual, even if we were made according to one scheme. And napkins, curtains, tablecloths? About them generally a separate conversation. How much coziness, heat, individuality they bring to our house! They look just magnificent, but provided that they are tasteful and do not overload the interior. And learn to knit with crochet can all be desire.

To start mastering the rims of crochet, you need a tool, i.e. Hook, but not one, but a whole set - from 0.8 to 6 mm diameter. A short hook has a length in the range of 120-150 mm. There is also a hook for Tunisian knitting. Its length is more - up to 400 mm. At the same time, the thing from wool and mohair is better to knit plastic or wooden crochet, and for the other types of yarn fit steel. Successfully picked hook 2 times thicker than yarn. Choosing a tool, look at:

  1. The surface of the hook. Borrowers are unacceptable on it.
  2. The head so that it does not get too sharp, but also very rounded is not good. And in 1, and in the 2 case knit uncomfortable.
  3. Pen. When it is massive, you are quickly tired.

If the hook with defects got caught, it is easy to polish it with the help of sandpaper, and if the beard does not hold the thread badly, then it should be deepened using a knife.

All patterns begin with a chain. It consists of air loops. Consider how the first loop is performed:

  • Take hook with right hand. To properly take it, imagine that we take a pencil, while turning the beard to yourself.
  • In the left hand - thread lying on the index finger. Large and middle fingers hold it.
  • Crochet We upgrade the thread from below and turn everything on 360 degrees. It turns out the loop.
  • We make a nakid and drag it through the loop.
  • Climbing thread between big and index fingers, failing. Slightly hook with loop up. The first loop is delayed.

Learn these uncomplicated techniques will be easier if you take free lesson, there are many online on the Internet.

We continue to knit on. To get a chain, crochet stretch the thread through the existing loop. It will turn out another loop. Then we continue in the same way until you reach the planned length. If you want to calculate how much loops are accumulated, then do it on the left side of the chain, while the loop located on the hook is not considered, as well as the original one.

Many products use a deaf loop. It is done like this:

  • hook without threaded threads in the bottom loop;
  • we throw the thread on the hook;
  • i do not pull the loop, but immediately stretch the thread through the loop, in which the hook is instituted, and through the one that is on the hook.

Even learning to do only the loops of air, as well as the columns with Nakad and without, you can try to tie something simple. For example, if you connect the chain with the same deaf loop, then the ring will be released. Taking it, get a charming flower. Receptions are simple and following instructions, It can make even newcomer.

In conclusion I would like to say: Knitting, like any needlework, will bring a lot of positive emotions as you and the person who you decore to give the exclusive thing performed personally.

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