How to knit crochet socks

How to knit crochet socks

Knitted things are now at the peak of popularity. And things that are manufactured manually have a lot of advantages: low price, good quality and unique design. Very nice to wear a thing that is made with love. Knitting requires the acquisition of some skills. But, such unpretentious things like napkins and socks can learn even a beginner needlewoman. Crochet-related socks have an advantage over a product made with the help of spokes. Such things are denser and not stretched when washing. With the help of a hook, you can create any design: from gentle lace, to dense winter knitting. Let's look at what will be needed to knit socks with crochet.

Materials that will be needed for crochet knitting

To proceed to knitting, we need a hook and yarn, as well as a scheme that will help not be knocked out from the pattern.

Hooks for knitting socks are applied different. It all depends on the quality of the thread, which is used. For knitting thick and soft yarn use a wooden hook. Good for knitting steel steel and plastic hooks. Select the tool thickness on the basis of the designated pattern. The longer the hook - the more loops and the pattern is greater. The diameter of the hook should be twice the thread diameter. Usually use short hooks 12-15 cm.

The yarn should be chosen on the basis of what socks should turn out. Thin threads are good for summer socks or socks with a lace pattern. With the help of such threads, you can connect elegant golfs. For winter socks, a thick woolen thread is suitable. In modern shops for needlework, abundance of yarn from any material and a variety of color. Some masters advise to prepare yarn to work. To do this, it should be wrapped, dried and wind into large hundreds that will not be confused when working.

Crochet Knitting Schemes

Scheme data will help create socks of various design.

  • Where to start knitting socks.

  • Scheme of knitting sock details.

  • Pattern options.

  • An option knitted flat soles.

Useful tips for beginners

For those craftsmen who only master knitting techniques, such tips will be useful:

  • When viscating crochet, you do not need to tighten the loop too much. The knitting must be free.
  • For tightness, a new thread is recommended to be introduced at the end of the row.
  • When viscating the initial chain, it is necessary to link a little more air loops in order not to get down. Excess then you can easily dissolve.
  • The first knitting is better to spend with threads with threads, so less chances to get confused in the pattern.
  • If there is no confidence as a yarn, then before use it must be wrapped. This is checked, what temperature regime is suitable for the future product.
  • Crochet-related product is difficult to restore. To do this, it needs to be dissolved, knit new columns and hide the ends.

Last thing

In addition to getting a good thing, crochet will bring a needlewoman with a lot of pleasure. Crochet is much easier than spokes. And the products are obtained more gentle and air.

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