How to knit slippers crochet

How to knit slippers crochet

Return home  after tense worker day, i want to feel homemade heat and comfort. V it is can help homework slippers. At all their diversity pick up comfortable model very difficult. They can be completed from different materials, but sAME pleasant will be slippers, related predit. Such slippers will be fine gift for close man. Open their, he will feel then heat and love, which invested author products. V knitted slopes nogam very heat. V article consider step by step knitting products crochet.

1) Materials for manufacturing slippers crochet

For manufacturing products necessary take:

  • insole from felt;
  • yarn;
  • hook;
  • awl or needle.

Take insole, carved on necessary size legs. At aid shila or needles make holes across 1,52 cm.

2) Start knitting hardware with crochet

To begin knitting slippers at aid hook follow with execution holes v insole. Then v everyone puncture relax three loop. On the heel and sock insoles relax four loop without putting.

3) Basic scheme knitting slippers crochet

Second row knit points with nakid., and make two air column for lifting. Next seven rows knitting on scheme: two concave pets with one nakid. alternate with two convex loops with one sketch, then pair column knitting for lifting. Necessary follow definite order, above relief pattern knitting concave and vice versa.

4) Revolution myster with slippers crochet

Necessary time to product and mark future myster (for example, pins). Begin his confuse follow way:

  • 1 rowprovides with one packing and turns over on theincain (repeat v end eVERY row);
  • 2 rowknit without packing;
  • 3 rowprovides with one winning and pass one loop;
  • 4 rowknit similar to second;
  • 5 rowrelax with nakid. and pass one pets;
  • 6 rowhow 2 and 4 rows;
  • 7 rowknit with two nakida and passing loop.

Then necessary collect all pets (slip their not necessary) and tighten.

End of Knitting Slippers Crochet

810 rowsbits gone on circle, on the myster knitting loop without packing, on the heel convex and concave loops. Work sole to end. Ready knitted slippers can decorate flower or other accessory on the your taste.

Holding this non-flat scheme knitting can receive cozy product, that will help relax v home settlement. Or serve good gift for close people. Do the needlework and delight with your own author's works of relatives and loved ones. Pleasant needlework!

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