How to tie a hat for a newborn

How to tie a hat for a newborn

Every young mommy and caring grandmother want to surround a newborn baby care and warmth. One of the ways to express your love to the baby is to associate baked boots, a blouse or a hat.

Yarn. The skin of a newborn baby is very sensitive to various allergens, and as evidence of this appear irritation, redness. One of the main characteristics of yarn for children's products is the naturalness of the fiber:

  • Cotton. This material allows you to "breathe" the skin, which is very important for small children. Cotton is painted well, so the colors are bright and slightly burn out in the sun. But the cotton yarn is dense and not elastic, so a mixture of cotton and acrylic is used in products for kids.
  • Wool. It warms well in the cold season. For children, it is not recommended to use yarn from long-sized wool (Mochher, Angora), because it is possible to format katips that cause discomfort to the child. For baby knitting suitable Merinos wool. Products are made soft, elastic, not barbed.
  • Acrylic, microfiber. When allergic on natural materials, a children's acrylic can be used, which is not inferior to natural yarn by properties: elasticity, softness, keeps warm, absorbs moisture.


The size. In order for the headdress to fit the baby and did not bring discomfort when wearing ( extermination Caps   on the ears I. t.P..), It is necessary to make measurements correctly:

  • Circle of the baby's head. The measurement line should pass around the circumference: in the middle of the forehead, slightly higher than the ears and through the occipital part of the head.
  • Cap depth. Measuring the depth of a children's cap should begin with the middle of the forehead (the visual definition of the middle will help that the hat does not fall on the eyes and offended all the lobik during the cold season), pass through the head and end at the head short.

Kids head sizes always need to count individually but standard kids from birth until 3months have volume heads up to 35 cm, from 3.before 6 months from 35 to 42.5 cm, from 6 months up to a year - 40 47.5 cm.


Hood for a newborn baby on the spokes. Knitting caps begins from a child's lyrics. This kindergarten model requires additional measurement of the baby's circumference. Having made all the necessary calculations, score on the knitting needles (28 cm). Knit a rubber band 1 * 1 2-2.5 cm, then continue knitting facial stroke - 7.5-8 cm. All loops divide on 3 identical parts and begin the recovery of the bottom - the back of the cap (the technique of the wave of the heel of the sock). Tied the donyshko to the middle, you need to evenly start the transfer width. By the end of the knitting, it should be 3-4 cm. To the hinges of the lower edge of the bottom, which remained on the spokes, dial additional hinges with both edges. All loops together will be the bottom of the cap (neck). Knit loops with a rubber band 1 * 1 2-2.5 cm and close knitting. You can separate separately and sew tows to the header.

Without know-resa12

Hood with ears for a crochet. The model knits continuously in a circle - top down. For the start of the new row, you can use a contrast thread or removable markers. The new row begins by raising at the end of each row line with a column with one nakid:

  • 1 row. Tie a magic or adjustable ring of 5 air loops.
  • 2 row. Knit 2 loops without Nakida in each column in a circle (everything should be obtained 10 loops).
  • 3 row. Knit 1 loop without a nakid to the first column, then 2 loops without a nakid in the second column, and so on in a circle (there should be 15 loops).
  • 4 row. Knit 1 loop without Nakida in the first and second column, then 2 loops without Nakida in the third and fourth columns. Repeat 2 through 2 (there should be 20 loops).
  • 5 row. Knit 1 loop without Nakida in the first, second and third column, then 2 loops without Nakid in the fourth column. Repeat 3 through 1 (there should be 25 loops).
  • 6-12 row. Knit one loop without Nakida in each column (25 loops). Finish knitting.

The scheme is designed for a child from birth to three months. For greater children, you need to calculate more loops.

Crochet Caps:

  • 1 row. First a loop air, then 10 loops without nakida, 1 air a loopTurning (11 a loop).
  • 2 row. Knit one loop in each column 9 times, turning (10 loops).
  • 38 row. Knit one loop in each column , turn. Each time it is reduced by 1 loop until 3 loops remain. Needle Make a marching seam over the edging of the Ear, roll it and enter the hat.


Knitting a children's hat borrow a lot of time, and the amount of material used will be minimal because newborn No sketched openwork patterns and additional decorations on the cap are not required. The main thing in the children's knitted product - Softness of threads, convenience of form and correctly calculated size.

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