How to make distilled water

How to make distilled water

Distilled water is a liquid released from minerals and all sorts of additives. Distill the water in the laboratories, but it can be done both by the help of what is in the house, find out how, from our article.

Preparation for water distillation

There are several ways to clean water, but the preparation will always be the same:

  • A certain amount of conventional tap water is poured into a container with a wide riding, for example, in a saucepan.
  • A question in the open form put there, where it will not like any garbage. Capacity cannot be closed or moving from place to place.
  • Water is defended within 6 hours. During this time, the volatile impurities like chlorine and hydrogen sulfide will evaporate from it, and heavy substances will be devastated to the bottom of the pan.
  • With the help of a tube, immersed until the bottom of the ass, is drained from it about 1/3 of the water. What will remain ready for distillation.

How to make distilled water evaporation

To distill water evaporation, prepare a stainless steel saucepan with a lid in the shape of a dome, a grid from the microwave, deep glass pile, ice pack. The cleaning process looks like this:

  • Resigned water filled with a saucepan of approximately ½ volume. At the bottom of the Caudena put the grille from the microwave, and on it - the glass container. The pile should stand so that boiling water did not get into it.
  • When the fluid boils, the fire is reduced, and the saucepan is covered with a dome-shaped lid in an inverted state.
  • In the lid put a package with ice.
  • Couples from boiling water rises up and settles on the lid, from there flows drops into the pile - it turns out distilled water. In the process, it is important to monitor the intensity of boiling, as well as for the constant presence of ice on the lid.

How to make distilled water with a home laboratory

To implement such a way, you need to prepare water, sorry from a stainless steel, a package with ice, as well as 2 bottles. One of the bottles should have a curved neck, and if you fail to get it, take the pure garden hose of the corresponding diameter.

Distillation of water is carried out in the following way:

  • Bottles and hose, if used, sterilize. In the container with a twisted neck poured up to half the dilated water.
  • Bottles join the neck to the neck as close as possible and fixed with adhesive tape.
  • A large saucepan is filled with water so that the fluid level coincides with the level in the bottle. The saucepan put on fire and bring to a boil.
  • After that, the water bottle is immersed and tilted at an angle of 30 °, and an empty bottle hold or conveniently installed. They put a bag with ice. Water evaporating from the container with a curved neck, will settle in the upper tank.

How to make distilled water by freezing

To get distilled water in such a way, you need a glass peer or plastic bottle, and the cleaning process itself is very simple:

  • The remaining water is poured into the container and put in the freezer. Please note that if instead of plastic or glass, metal dishes are used, it is necessary to put a piece of cardboard in the freezer on it or a wooden table.
  • Water is left in the cold until it freezes approximately half.
  • What did not have time to turn into ice is drained - this water contains impurities. The fact that frozen is defrosting and thereby get purified water.

Getting distilled water with a kettle

For this method, you need to take a simple kettle, which boil on the stove, two pots with a capacity of 3 and 6 liters. A large saucepan needs to be washed to the perfect state. We will analyze the process in stages:

  • In the kettle pour outstanding water and put it on fire.
  • Nearby put a smaller saucepan, over it - a large, filled with simple cold water.
  • When the kettle boils, make it so that the pair of nose is directed to the 6-liter pan.
  • Condensing on its side and cooled, pairs in the form of distilled water will be drained into the lower vessel.

Obtaining natural distilled water

Simple rainwater is considered purified by nature itself. It is recommended to use plants for watering, and sometimes for drinking. The main thing is that it is not assembled in polluted terrain, so they are not suitable for such a goal. But in the country zone, it is possible to collect rain drops, it is done in this way:

  • In the rainy weather on the street there are one or more large tanks and leave them for a couple of days.
  • Then the rainwater is transfused into sterile dishes and in such a form store.

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