How to make talu water

How to make talu water

The water available to us is no good quality, but our health depends on it. When studying the biological activity of the water of various origin, scientists have been established that there are precisely tales water with a good health effect for the body. It improves metabolic processes, increases immunity. About the methods of obtaining clean, without any impurities of melt water, we are talking in our article.

The composition of the usual water from the water pipeline

The usual water coming to us from the water pipe has 3 components:

  1. "Dead" or deuterium water D2O. Instead of hydrogen atoms, deuterium atoms are present. It begins to freeze already at a temperature of +3.8 degrees.
  2. "Live" or Pobial Water H 2O, freezing at 0 degrees. Without it, the existence of living organisms is impossible.
  3. Impurities - organic compounds, pesticides, salts. The freezing them occurs at -7 degrees.

Cooking melt water in a simple way

To get a useful talu water, you should stick to a certain technology, otherwise instead of improving the effect will be reverse. This sequence is:

  1. We recruit water from an affordable source and let it stand for at least 12 hours so that gases are weathered from it.
  2. We skip the liquid through the filter.
  3. We pour water into the plastic container, close and put in the freezer about 15 hours.
  4. Remove the dishes and put under the jet of hot water to wash everything without residue, harmful impurities accumulated on a clearly released area of \u200b\u200bwhite or slightly yellowish color. Transparent ice, remaining after this procedure, is a melting water for use.

3) the second way to produce water

The difference in temperatures in which freezing occurs, and is the base moment in the process of separating the live melt of water from a harmful ballast. This is done as follows:

  1. We take the container - porcelain, glass or plastic, fill it with water, but not until the very edge, because Freezing, fluid will increase in volume.
  2. Cover the dishes with a lid, put in the freezer and observe.
  3. The first will begin to freeze the water deuterium, and as soon as we see that the thickness of the icy crust reached 15% of the total volume, we remove it, and we return to the freezer.
  4. By incident of some time, and usually this is a few hours, 1/3 of water in the container will remain in liquid state - these are impurities in the form of salts and different chemicals. We merge this water.
  5. We defrust at room temperature ice remaining in the peer. This is the passing water - the best for drinking.

Method Third

In this way, "Talitsa" is obtained especially useful, having strong internal energy. Applying this method, we imitate the water cycle in natural conditions, forcing it all stages: evaporation, cooling, freezing, melting. The algorithm is:

  1. The water is brought to the "white key", i.e. to a temperature of about 96 degrees.
  2. We put the dishes in the capacity of a larger volume filled with cold water so that cooling to room temperature has occurred as quickly as possible.
  3. We put on the freezing and consistently carry out operations on the separation of "dead" water and impurities.

Useful advice

Water obtained by freezing with subsequent melting can drink everything subject to the following recommendations:

  1. Deciding to drink Tluu water, let the body get used to it. Start with a portion of 100 ml per day and increase this dose to the same value every 3 days, bringing it to 1.5 liters per day.
  2. Accelerate the process of melting of useful ice by placing it in hot water can not - all valuable properties will be lost.
  3. Most useful water with ice floating in it, but it should be drunk slowly, so as not to catch the throat.
  4. If you heat the structured water to +37 degrees, then it loses its biological activity and becomes simply well purified by water.
  5. Do not freeze water in metal tanks, thereby you reduce its efficiency.
  6. Banks made of food plastics preferred glass, because The latter can break.
  7. Before freezing, charge the water with positive information, for which be yourself configured positively, smile, read the prayer.

Thermal water

Remember: Tales water is not a panacea, but drinking it, you strengthen your health.

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