How to get a chickenpox vaccine

How to get a chickenpox vaccine

Each of us came across in our life with chickenpox. This is an infectious disease, when meeting with which a non -painful person has practically no chance of avoiding the virus. But if in children the percentage of complications is only 10%, then in adults the disease is much harder (30-50% of cases in severe form). The most unpleasant complication is enclosing lichen, which can overtake a person after many years and cause damage to the nervous system, lung pathology or paralysis. Therefore, since 1974, the vaccination of children against chickenpox has been recommended.

There are many contraindications for vaccination, since any vaccine experiences the immunity for strength and the body should be completely healthy at the moment of penetration of even a weakened stamp.

You can’t do an injection when:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the acute course of a respiratory or intestinal disease (can be vaccinated after 2-4 weeks);
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease (when reached a remission, you can do an injection);
  • the number of leukocytes in the blood is less than 1200, which indicates a serious immunodeficiency state;
  • the presence of allergies to the components of the drug.

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The injection itself is made subcutaneously (most often in the shoulder in the area of \u200b\u200bthe deltoid muscle), in extreme cases, intramuscularly or under the shoulder blade. In no case should you do an injection intravenously. It is undesirable to chop into the gluteal muscle, since due to the dense fatty layer in this area, a seal may form and there is a risk of cutting the sciatic nerve.

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In general, the vaccine is easily tolerated, and reactions are infrequent. From local: compaction at the injection site, redness of the skin, swelling and soreness. All this can occur within a day after immunization and passes in a few days. 5% can develop general symptoms (they are also called the rebuilt reactions). They are observed in a strict gap from 7 to 21 days and are expressed in an increase in body temperature, rash, severe itching and increasing lymph nodes. These manifestations pass on their own and do not need independent treatment.


If a not ill adult came into contact with the carrier of the virus, for three days it can be compressed for prevention, and infection will not occur. To do this, you need to visit a medical institution and get an injection of the vaccine after the inspection from the therapist.

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After vaccination, 95% of children develop immunity to the virus, and at least 20 years antibodies in the blood are still preserved. Even if the infection occurs, the disease will proceed in mild and without severe complications.

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