How to bring down the temperature of the vinegar

How to bring down the temperature of the vinegar

High temperature is the reaction of the body to external factors, such as supercooling, overheating, overwork, ORVI. Reduce the temperature will help medicines, but not always to resort to pharmaceutical. Even doctors recommend a primary temperature rise of up to 38.5 degrees not to knock, allowing the body to cope with the problem. To facilitate the state of the patient, it is necessary to ensure peace and bedding.

We estimate the patient's condition at temperatures

Observation of the well-being of the diseased will prompt how critical state is.

The most dangerous to health are:

  • the degree readings over 38 degrees in children up to the year,
  • pronounced lethargy, marble and pale skin painting, frowning limbs against the background of high temperature indicators;
  • the presence of a child or adult serious diseases of the heart, nervous or pulmonary body systems.

Any of the above factors requires urgent inspection by a specialist. And the use of folk treatment techniques can only harm the patient.

Recipe for acetic wipe at temperatures

The mechanism of the effects of acetic wipe is reduced to intensive evaporation of moisture from the skin. This occurs forced cooling of the entire body. Before the rubbing procedure, prepare light clothes, better from x / b fabric, which you want to wear after the procedure. Such clothes will not cause overheating and create a comfortable environment for the relaxation of the body.

For wiping, a solution of a table vinegar is made in proportions: 2 parts of warm water per 1 part of 9% vinegar. Vinegar 6% is diluted in a 1: 1 ratio, while the apple cider vinegar is suitable without dilution.

A soft cloth moistened in solution, proceed to the wiping procedure, while the patient must be completely distributed. A sharp effect can be shocked, so it is better to start wiped with light movements of the forehead, whiskey, neck. Further, sown by the body: the elbow bends, the wrists, quickly wipe the chest and the back, then inguinal and popliteate bends and complete, the feet of the feet.

After the patient's procedure, we dress or simply cover the sheet. To prevent dehydration, you need to drink warm drinks: Mors, rich tea or dried fruit compote. Saturated with vitamins, they will strengthen the weakened organism.

The cooked solution for wiping is necessarily maintained heat, as the cooled will cause too sharp cooling and shivering. After the procedure, the temperature reduction is monitored every half hour. At the same time, it decreases about 1 degree is a good indicator that will significantly improve well-being. However, it should not be achieved by normal indicators on the thermometer, stopping at 37.3-37.8 degrees  - This will allow the body to deal with the disease independently.

Side effects when using vinegar from temperature

When preparing a solution, thoroughly observe the proportions, since the increased concentration of vinegar during suction through the skin will lead to severe poisoning. The direct contraindication of the use of vinegar is damage to the skin.

He fascinated by wiping, it can be too dramatically to bring down the temperature, which will lead to convulsion and create a load on the heart system. In children under 3 years old, we use wipes with extreme caution. An analogue of wiping for kids is woolen socks moistened in acetic solution that wear on bare legs. Wool stimulates blood circulation, and vinegar causes evaporation - such an integrated effect gently reduces the temperature.

Therefore, before using acetic solution, you need to consult with the attending physician.

The impact of vinegar on the body should not be made by panacea. Repeated increase in temperature, the presence of strong pain, nausea, convulsions, diarrhea indicate a serious disease, and in this case urgently should be applied to the hospital.

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