Regardless of gender or age, such cosmetic troubles like acne, can appear absolutely everyone. Poor environment, poor nutrition, hormonal changes in the body - can be any reason. However, the question to eliminate these annoying rashes and traces of them is always acute. Many of you have probably heard about this natural tool in the fight against acne is apple cider vinegar. However, not everyone knows how to use it properly acne. And so you do not hurt yourself, in this article we will discuss how to dramatically improve skin condition acne using affordable and natural apple cider vinegar.
Action of apple cider vinegar
Recall that Apple Cider Vinegar - This acid is obtained as a result of natural fermentation of apple. The action of vinegar is the formation of an acidic environment on the surface of the skin, thereby dramatically decreasing skin oiliness, and kill most harmful bacteria. Normalization of the secretion of the sebaceous glands - the main advantage of cider vinegar. Therefore, for the owners of oily and problem skin is a real find.
In addition, apple cider vinegar contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Vinegar restores the tone of the skin and normalizes its pH balance, making the skin when it is used simply glowing with health.
To get rid of existing comedones and prevent the emergence of new will only regular use of vinegar. So what are the specific actions has apple cider vinegar in the fight against acne:
- Antiseptic. It destroys bacteria and dissolves comedones.
- Significantly reduces the oiliness of the skin. Therefore, it is an ideal means of a drying.
- Exfoliating action. The acidic environment dissolves necrotic epithelial cells.
- Nourishing and toning effect. Vinegar saturates the skin with vitamins A, B and C, as well as alpha-hydroxy acid, potassium, magnesium and sulfur.
How to apply apple vinegar
Since the acidity of apple vinegar is very high, the use of it in its pure form can be dangerous and can lead to burns and skin irritation. Therefore, the two main ways of using apple vinegar to combat acne are internal and external ways.
Outdoor use
The external apple vinegar is used in the form of tonic, lotion or cream, where it is introduced as an integral part. On its basis, extraordinary face masks are made. The effect of such money does not make himself wait long, and in a week you will see a stunning result. In order not to overheat the skin and not earn burns, try not to get involved in such treatment. When using apple acid, the golden rule is be sure to apply the nutrient cream after use.
Budget and simple lotion recipe: one piece of apple vinegar mix with three parts of the water and wipe the face a couple of times a day. The lotion cleans the skin well and dries pimples. You can store it no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.
Excellent peeling is obtained from honey, salt and apple vinegar taken in equal parts. Soft and gently cover the mixture into the skin and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After such a peeling, the skin will not only clean, but also tender.
The most popular and simple mask is obtained from an apple vinegar diluted in water and black or white clay. We bring a mixture to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply to the whole face, excluding the area around the eyes. Keep 15 minutes and wash off warm water. Inflammation will noticeably decrease, and the skin after such a mask will be full of vitality.
Internal use
Inside the apple vinegar is taken as part of drinks or just diluing with water. Such a drink contributes to the removal of toxins and slags, an increase in immunity, improving the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as, which is important for people suffering from excess weight, helps to significantly lose weight. In pure form, apple vinegar can not be used, as you can burn the walls of the stomach and esophagus!
The easiest option of the drink is one tablespoon of apple vinegar, divorced in a glass of water. You can sweeten with a small spoonful of honey. For the best result, drink the drink is best on an empty stomach in the morning, an hour before the main meal. The mouth then need to rinse thoroughly to avoid dentition of dental enamel.
Not a gift among all fruits the most magical is precisely the MEMBLE apple. With the help of apple vinegar it is possible to get rid of not only from acne, but also reduce the cooperous meshes, the narrowing of the pores, improve the complexion of the face and remove the pigment stains.
I have not tried to try to treat acne to vinegar, I don't know how it is effective or not very.