How to find out the temperature without a thermometer

How to find out the temperature without a thermometer

When any infection develops in the human body, immunity enters into an active struggle for the health of the body. At these moments, a person feels no matter. It rises the temperature, weakness appears, chills, drives joints and the bone leaving - all these signs are manifested, as a rule, to a temperature of 38 degrees.
There are situations where the person does not have a thermometer with him, and his well-being with every minute worsen more and more. In this case, there are several old folk methods for measuring temperatures without a thermometer. Of course, the accurate temperature cannot be installed. With the help of the methods you can find out if there is a fever in a person or not.

Forehead. Attach palm or lips to the sick forehead. During touch, you can understand whether there is an increase in temperature in a person or not. Naturally, you can't find out the exact temperature, but to warn a person about her The presence will not be superfluous.

Dehydration. When the temperature repaid for 37 degrees and above, a person feels a strongest thirst, he literally can't drink water. At the same time, a person does not want to go to the toilet.

Weakness. During temperature increase, the body dramatically loosens, the chills appears sharply, the face is burning, the whole body burns, it is so much that a person becomes very difficult to move.

Weakness after meals

Sweat. If a person began to sweat suddenly, it means that the body temperature began to subsoine. At these moments, it is necessary to cover with a warm blanket and spend time in a lying position.

Pulse. An ideal pulsation in an adult is 80 blows per minute, and in a child 180. Forby pass the pulse on the wrist in the patient and you can feel that in children it has frequent on 25-30, and in adults by 10 blows per minute.

Breath. At elevated temperature, a person in a relaxed state begins to breathe very quickly. It may seem to seem like that he lacks oxygen, but in fact there is nothing terrible in this, it is enough to calculate how many times a man breathes. An adult man normally exhales about 20 times per minute, and a child is about 30 times.

Consciousness. Hallucinations, fainting, cramps and other similar signs of an extremely weakened state indicate the degree of deterioration of the state in the body. In such cases, it should not be engaged in self-medication, it is necessary to immediately cause ambulance. A man urgently may be required hospitalization.

An ideal way to take care of your health and loved ones is to make a first-aid kit, which will be with you nearly, wherever you are. In this case, you will always be notified of your health status.

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