How to make a candle

How to make a candle

Candles create a cozy atmosphere on any holiday, and the original decor will remember it. Make an unusual decoration is possible if you combine ice and flames. Ice candles are two species: with openwork pattern and in the form of ice.

How to make an ice candle with lace

Such a special decoration you can pour at home. The pattern inside the decor is achieved by adding ice cubes during the pouring of the candlestone.

For the manufacture of an ice decor you will need:

  • soy wax;
  • candle form;
  • ready Fitil;
  • wooden skeletal;
  • dyes and flavors for wax;
  • ice cubes;
  • pan's saucepan;
  • capacity to heal ice;
  • wooden skeletal;
  • thermometer.


  • Working surface with foil or tight paper. Since hot wax can spoil furniture.
  • Prepare shape for fill candles. Use glass or metal dishes as it. Clean it well from pollution and dry out the napkins.

  • Grind soy wax and put into the container you prepared for its melting. Put a saucepan with water on fire and place the dish with a mass in the center. So the mixture will warm up from all sides.
  • If you do not have the foundation, then melts the flats from the candles. Just make sure they have the same basis and color. During the cooking, the mixture often stirrel for uniform melting.

  • When the solution begins to acquire a transparent color, follow the temperature of the wax. Do not bring it to a boil! The required temperature of the mixture is 80 degrees.

Advice. If you are using a candle re-, then make sure that you removed the old fittils from the hot solution before the fill of the new decor.

  • Add a dye to warm wax first, then aromatic oils. This order is not random. Even if you chose a liquid dye, then it needs to be completely melted in the wax. For a uniform color, mix the mixture well. Aromatizer on the contrary, does not like high temperatures.

Advice. If you want to get a more rich color from the decor, then add more dye. This rule refers to aromatic additives.

  • At the bottom of the form install the wick. It is possible to fasten it with glue. So it will not move during the freeze of wax. Instead of the finished fit, use thick threads that need to be pre-impregnated with wax. Or wooden spanks treated with olive oil.

  • To create a pattern inside the candle, fill half the shape of ice cubes. Its size will determine the amount of cavity. Make sure not to create big voids, otherwise the candle will not stand steadily.

  • Candle mass with a thin flowing pour into a form with ice. If you plan to use several colors for the decor, then leave the place for the next layer.

Advice. When pouring candles into large forms, additionally secure the wick from above using a pencil or shrinkage.

  • Leave the wax mixture to harden. You will need it about 2 hours. During this time, do not move the shape, as the wax needs to evenly fill out free space.

  • Melt the foundation and add another dye and aroma to it. Fill it on top of the already frozen wax. Time to froze the second layer will need more, because it will be iceless.

Important! If you use aromatic additives, add the same components or make sure that they are combined with each other.

  • With full wax frozen, get the decor from the form. For this slightly pull the wick.

  • Position over the sink or capacity, as the liquid is located in it. To completely pour water from the cavities, tilt the candle in different directions.

  • Cut wick. Do not do it too long, otherwise the burning thread will play.
  • Before lighting the candle, put it on candlestick. So hot wax will not spoil furniture.

How to make a candle in ice

Get the magic light from the decor will allow an unusual shape of ice. Such icy candles decorate the porch in frosty weather or a festive table.

Candle materials and tools:

  • glass forms of different sizes;
  • decor: Juniper branches and orange slices;
  • malyary Scotch;
  • cold water.

Production process:

  • Large size tank fill on 2/3 with water, place a small form in it. Secure the edge of the painting scotch. So the candlestick will have the same wall thickness.

  • Lower the decor from the branches and the citrus bids into the liquid. Equally distribute it along the walls of the container.

  • Put the form in the freezer or remove to the cold. You should not leave them for a long time at low temperatures, otherwise the ice will become muddy.

  • When the water freezes, bring the shape into the room and put in warm water for a couple of minutes. This will make it easy to remove the ice candle back from the form.
  • If you need a decor for a long time, then instead of wax candles, use decorative.

Make ice candles at home easily, if you follow each stage according to master classes.

Another unusual way of making candles Look at the video:

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