How to make a lollipop

How to make a lollipop

Multicolored, sweet lollipops with different tastes - the favorite sweetness of kids and adults. Their choice in the store is so wide that sometimes it is possible to be confused before the counter. But the preparation of lollipops is not only the lot of large confectionery factories. You can create a real caramel miracle with your own hands in your kitchen.

How to make sugar lollipop

Sugar lollipops are prepared very quickly, they can be made on or without chop.


  • Sugar sand - 150 g
  • Water - 75 ml.
  • Sugar powder - ½ tbsp. l.


  • Take a small casserole, put all the components in it and put it on the smallest fire.
  • Intensively interfere with the syrup so that it does not boil.
  • After the appearance of small bubbles, remove the saucepan from the plate.
  • In lubricated oil molds, run down syrup.
  • When it starts to grab, smoothly screw the wand into each lollipop.

In the syrup before spilling in forms, you can add a few drops of rum, mint oil or brandy.

How to make a fruit lollipop

Aromatic lollipops can be made from any fruit juice. Changing syrup components, you will get the most unusual tastes of candy. Especially beautiful candies will look if you pour syrup into silicone ice forms.


  • Fruit Fresh (raspberry, orange, cranberry, etc.) - 180 ml.
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Cinnamon, vanilla sugar, carnation - to taste.


  • Take a small but deep saucepan, pour juice into it, pour sugar.
  • Put the container with juice on a slow fire, interfere with the total dissolution of sugar crystals.
  • Then add some cinnamon or other spices, and when the fruit mix starts to bubble, run it into the forms.

Lollipops should be bought at room temperature. Never put them in the refrigerator, otherwise they uneven harden.

How to make a creamy chocolate lollipop

You can please small sweets with milk lollipops with cocoa.


  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Water - 15 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Creamy oil - 5 tbsp. l.


  • In the sill mix all the products, and put them to bask on a small fire.
  • Mix the syrup until it becomes homogeneous.
  • Drip syrup droplets into the water, if it froze, then it's time to pour the milk mixture in forms.

How to make a lollipop - useful tips

In order for sweets to be delicious, not digestible, and found a beautiful view, you need to stick to certain rules of their preparation:

  • The main condition for successful lollipops is the heating of sugar on a very small fire. Otherwise, syrup will nourish and acquire a brown color.
  • You can accelerate the frosting of the syrup by adding lemon juice.
  • If the lollipops are firmly added to the form, you need to lower it in boiling water for a couple of seconds.
  • Instead of special forms, you can use the usual baking sheet and baking paper. Pour paper syrup, form round cakes from it and let it be frozen.
  • If the prescription needs to add vinegar, pour it very slowly so that a strong chemical reaction does not occur.
  • To make sugar lollipops, you can use food dyes.
  • Forms need to be very lubricated fat so that the lollipops are easy to remove.

As you can see, cook your favorite lollipops are incredibly easy. Take the desired products and proceed to creative experiments in the kitchen. We are confident that you will be delighted with domestic sweets.

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