Sweet vata. – it favorite delicacy not only children, but and adults. Previously this view dessert was available only v festive days on the walks on park. Now can buy special apparatus and v anyone give me a sec enjoy that delicacy.
Basic component sweet wati – sugar. You can prepare cotton with ordinary sugar or with different fruit additives. In the latter case acquire syrups no need.
Special How to make sugar wool - cookingapparatus
If w. you there is compact apparatus, then you you can easy cook sweet delicacy. He does not take up much space, and his principle work Easy enough:
- sugar place v turbine;
- include device;
- after heating turbines, sugar transfers v liquid form;
- turbine rotates with high speed, v aspect of this sugar sets out on the walls thin thread from sugar;
- this a thread represents foundation sweet wati, that collecting on the wooden chopper.
Exists more one way cooking wati. For of this necessary do sugar syrup in advance.
syrup placed on the disk;fast rotation turbines provides settlement delicacy on the walls;vata. wound on the Wooden chopper.
2) How to make sugar wool, if No apparatus
For this can take advantage infidental elements.
- frame base, designed for winding sugar threads, for example, cocktail tubes, which vertical secured;
- tin bowl or capacity with tolstoy walls;
- from ingredients: sugar sand, water (1 to 3), then there is on the 300 g. sahara necessary 100 ml water, floor tea. spoon vinegar, dyes.
After of this need to bout to process cooking. For of this connect all ingredients and place their v saucepan.. Heat content on the Little fire, wherein constantly interfere, in order nothing not big. After boiling put away with plates. Similar manipulations necessary repeat four times.
After togo how syrup obvious golden color, necessary check his cracker. Then dip venchik and spend around equipped base. After achievements needless volume, procedure follow stop.
3) How to make sugar wool - n ribor n. hands
For constructions device need 2 tin covers. On the one from them do great hole, a on the another – several small. Then at aid wire connect covers. P sounded motor at aid terminals from any electronic techniques. Everything it take to base, for example, chalkboard. Rotating drum heat flame candles or lighters. Such design not at all safe, that's why recommended use her with special caution.
How to make sugar fruit wool
If you love fruit watu., then do her little more difficult, but Full really. For cooking exotic viewsweets need: 200 ml water, 600 g. sugar sand, 0, 5 tea. spoon vinegar, additives. Syrup cook land described fashion. Later connect his with selected additives. Today v stores there is huge choice syrupov. This strawberry, cherry, vanilla and others.Huge range allows any person select mine taste. This component necessary enter v cooked syrup and cook on the little fire more some time.
Subsequent manipulations depend from selected fashion cooking dessert: or flood syrup or wash on the frame.
true delicacy
How to make sugar wool - cToday for sale very lot dyes, at aid which can give beloved destruction beautiful color. Yellow kurkumin, scarlet betanin, orange paprika – all these ingredients contain lot chemicals. By this cause if you cook for children, then need to remember it. It is best to use juice fruit and berry, which collapse watu.. If there is different syrups, then can do multicolored sweetness.
Process cooking delicacy available without all sorts devices. The only thing, what need to – it wish and several basic accessories. Lovers wati recommend make from lish syrope sweet ledges. A v case too much loose syrope, need to his take away fingers. After of this vata. it turns out such same how and on modern devices.