How to make sweet wool

How to make sweet wool

With one mention only, pictures from childhood pop up in memory. It is often associated with the holiday. So why not make such a treat at home!

How to make sweet wool in the finished apparatus

The process of cooking sweet delicacy at home is much facilitated, if there is a mini-machine. Its design is very simple: on the base there is a heating element around which the bowl is installed.

Operating procedure:

  • After unpacking, the device must be treated with a wet cloth with a detergent and rinse with clean water. Then wipe dry with paper towels.
  • Turn on the outlet and let the technique of about 10 minutes.
  • Sugar sand in small portions, pour on the disk. During his melting, white caramel webs will be formed.
  • Using bamboo skewers, wet the sugar fibers. After using the instrument must be washed with warm water.
  • The price of the apparatus is not high, compared with professional techniques. Compact sizes will make wators in the kitchen. But there are cons of this instrument: it is quickly overheated, requires frequent replacement of the bowl.

How to make sweet wool in a homemade device

Make a treat at home can be in the device you will collect with your own hands.

  • Prepare a large cardboard box, fan, compact disk, 2 plastic washers. At the compact disk glue from two sides of the workpiece.
  • Remove the protective grid from the fan and unscrew the propeller. At the bottom of the box, make a small hole in the central part. Secure the cardboard on the motor.
  • Prepare sugar syrup. It is important not to digest caramel, otherwise it will turn into candy.
  • Turn on the equipment at the minimum speed. Pour a thin stream of fluid on a rotating disk. With his other hand gather cotton candy on a skewer. Or after the end of the filament collect sugar on the walls of the box.

How to make cotton candy without machine

If you can not do on their own device for wool, then resort to the simplest method for the manufacture thereof.

  • Cook caramel by the following recipe: 300 g sugar, 500 ml of water and two drops of 6% vinegar. Put the pan on the minimum fire, pour in the water. When it boils, pour the sugar and add the vinegar. Constantly stir the syrup until, until it becomes dark yellow. Then remove from heat, cool and put to warm again. This procedure must be repeated 3 times.
  • In a glass put two fork tines up. Dip whisk in syrup and caramel wrap threads on the plug. Work carefully as the mixture can be prepared hot and burn.

How to make sweet fruit wool

For those who like fruit flavors, you can make a sweet treat with different additives. But syrup recipe is a little different from the previous method of preparation.

In use, syrups and dietary supplements as flavoring additions. Syrup, add the already cooked caramel and then the mixture is boiled down. Only then use it to prepare the wool.

How to make cotton candy - tips and tricks

The main secret of cooking a dessert - the correct syrup. Therefore, stick to a few rules of its cooking.

  • Caramel should be prepared under the lid closed, until the sugar is completely dissolved. This is necessary so that moisture does not evaporate prematurely. Since the grains dissolve more evenly.
  • Check readiness syrup is possible by means of cold water. Pour it into a container and at least cooking drip caramel in water. If the drops are flat and soft, then the mixture is ready. The bumps on the sweet drops of water they say you have digested caramel.
  • If the sugar mixture has acquired a darker shade, then it can only be done sweetmeats.

Now at home can make cotton candy and a celebration. And it is not necessary to purchase expensive equipment for this purpose.

On the results of experiments on the preparation of delicacies in different ways, look at the video:

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