What can be made of apples for the winter

What can be made of apples for the winter

When it comes to the billets for the winter of apples, you can speak for hours, because there are a lot of recipes for various apple tasty, which will become an excellent addition to the winter scarce on fresh fruits and vegetables. Consider some delicious and simple variations on the topic "Apple blanks for the winter."

Jams and jams from apples for winter

The classic option is to prepare jam - a delicious delicacy of all sweet tooths.

  • Recipes of jam - hundreds. The main recipe for the simplest jam - the apples purified from the peel and bones are covered with sugar and cook to the desired consistency.
  • For jam, such proportions are used: an apple kilogram - 180-200 grams of sugar.
  • In addition to apples, you can add, for example, to add, for example, lemons, walnuts and other youths to taste and increase the usefulness.
  • Jam is brewed in the same way. The only thing jam must be expensive to completely homogeneous consistency.

As a rule, for the jam is used at least twice as much sugar (for acidic apples - 1: 1), rather than for jam. So that the jam faster became homogeneous, apples with sugar initially begged by a blender.


Jumped and marmalade from apples for the winter

Pooked as follows:

  • Purified, chopped apples sliced \u200b\u200bwith water so that water does not cover the tops of apples, and cook on low heat until it is started to fall apart (usually up to 10 minutes, depending on the variety and ripeness of fruits).
  • We fold apples on a colander.
  • We add sugar to the flesh (at the rate of 500 grams per 1 kg of apples) and cook, periodically stirring.
  • We continue to digest until it thickens.
  • We roll into sterilized jars.

For cooking, it was better to use a saucepan with a thick bottom. Then the probability of burning is minimal.

Marmalade is preparing almost the same. The only thing when we cook apples in the water should be put into the water assembled with apple waste (peel and bones), as they are a source of pectin, which contributes to the best frosting of marmalade.

For the preparation of marmalade, the apples discarded on colanders are wiping (through a sieve or in a blender) and then digested.


Ureated Apples for Winter

The taste that loved since childhood is the uroin apples. Small, white, with sourness - squeezing, pleasing households with winter evenings.

Recipe for such a "grandmother" delicacy:

  • On the bottom of the banks lay the leaves of cherries and black currant.
  • We put apple rows, each row shifting leaves.
  • Fill with brine (on 5 liters of water - 200 grams of sugar, a tablespoon with a mountain salt).
  • We hide the gauze, we leave to wander a few days.
  • When the foam is mounted, close the cans by kapron covers, we endure in the basement (for cold).

Two months later, the apples can be eaten.

For the preparation of ureage apples, we need whole apples with tails. Choose green apples. An excellent option is Antonovka or Snow Calville.

Ureated apples

Dried fruits from apples for the winter

Plus drying - any apples are suitable for her, right up to dried, damaged worms, small and unspoken.

Drying are preparing like this: my and clean apples, cut into oblong slices and dried. Electric dryers are sold to dry today. Working with them is a pleasure. Apple slices fold rows in special containers, turn on the dryer and it makes further all the work for you.

If there is no special dryer, you can dry the apples just in the sun, for example, on the windowsill or in a regular oven.

So that dried fruits did not acquire a reddish shade, but remained light colors, prepared for drying apple slices are wetted in a weak saline solution, for the preparation of which a liter of water is needed and an incomplete tea spoon.

Dried fruits

Juices and compotes from apples for winter

Having a juicer, cook juice - a minute case. Pressed juice is brought to a boil, when necessary, add sugar (proportions depend on the sweetness of apples) and rush into sterilized jars.

Simple recipe for tasty compote:

  • On a third of banks put the prepared apples (cut or whole).
  • Pour boiling water for 5-8 minutes.
  • We drain the water, add sugar to taste and bring to a boil.
  • Pour apples with the resulting syrup.
  • We ride.

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