How to freeze apples for the winter

How to freeze apples for the winter

How wants to be cold winter evenings to enjoy a piece of fragrant apple pie or please close apple compotes. And if the quality and vitamin composition of imported apples does not cause confidence, it is possible to prepare seasonal apples of the future.

How to freeze apples for the winter - Preparation of apples

The freezing technology of apples is slightly different from berries and vegetables, but compliance with some rules will enjoy juicy apples to the new season:

  • Wash apples in running water and wipe them with a dry towel.
  • Clean the peel using a special knife. Also remove the core.
  • Cut the apple into several pieces, circles or cubes.
  • So that the apples did not acquire a gray shade, moisten their acidic liquid. To do this, connect 45 g of water and the floor of a teaspoon of ascorbic acid. You can also use the juice of half lemon.

On a note! The camera must stand the optimal temperature regime. The perfect option is -18⁰.

How to freeze apples for the winter - the method of dry frost

  • Put the apple pieces on a baking sheet with parchment paper or a special removable shelf out of the freezer.
  • Put the baking sheet / shelf in the freezer for 2.5-3 hours.
  • When the apples are frozen, you must neatly shift them into a package or plastic container using a spatula.
  • Freeze apples.
  • Optionally, you can write a freezing date on tanks with apples.
  • Apple storage - 6-9 months .

Advice! Enclose pieces so that they do not come into contact. This will prevent their death in a bunch.

How to freeze apples for the winter - Method of freezing with salted water

  • Dissolve 30 g of salts in 4 liters of cool water.
  • Immerse apple slices in salt water for 1-2 minutes.
  • Make sure that the apples are completely immersed in the liquid.
  • Pull apples and dry them. Do not rinse them with water and do not wipe the dry towel.
  • Place apples in a package for freezing. Spread them with one layer so that they do not stick together in one pile.
  • Shelf life - 9-12 months.

On a note! Salt serves as a natural preservative, which allows to significantly increase the suitability of apples. At the same time, apples do not become soles and are suitable for sweet baking.

How to freeze apples for the winter - method of freezing with syrup

  • Mix sugar and water in a 2: 3 ratio.
  • Pour prepared apples in syrup.
  • Press them with a plate or lid so that their syrup is completely covered.
  • After 3-5 minutes, put apples in the packages with a thin layer.
  • Freeze the container with apples.
  • The term of suitability is about 1 year.

Advice! Apples in syrup can be used to prepare desserts, cocktails and smoothies.

Freezing apples whole

  • Apples wash well, and then dry with a dry towel.
  • Apples do not cut.
  • If apples are cleaned of the peel, moisten them with acidic water prepared by the method described above.
  • Pack apples. You can put apples in a package for freezing, wrap them into the food film or fold into the container.
  • Freeze apples.
  • Shelf life - no more than 6 months.

On a note! Whole frozen fruits can be used for baking.

Freeze apples are very easy and simple. Having spent some time, you can whole winter not only to enjoy fresh apples, but also replenish your body with useful vitamins and minerals.

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