How to freeze the plum for the winter

How to freeze the plum for the winter

Fresh plums are very useful, and on the winter the hostess makes compotes and jams from them. But instead of conservation, you can freeze the plum in the freezer. In the frozen form, the fruits will retain more nutrients and vitamins. In winter, they are suitable for a compote or as a filling in the pies.

How to freeze the plum for the winter - choose the fruits

The best variety of Drains for freezing - Hungarian and other late varieties. But round plums are suitable. Requirements for the choice of fruits:

  • choose a variety from which it is easy to separate bones;
  • freeze fine plug with bones;
  • for cooking compotes in winter, any varieties are suitable. Freeze fruits in syrup;
  • choose more hard fruits, but ripe. Loved and green plums do not take. Too juicy and watery varieties are not suitable for freezing.

To prepare a compote, put frozen plums in boiling water and weld. For filling the fruits without bones, too, should not be defrosting. If a product is needed to defrost - do not use the microwave. Put plums in a bowl and withstand at room temperature, then use the destination. Do not freeze the fruits a second time!

Freeze a plum for winter with a bone

Frozen with bone whole plums are suitable for the preparation of compotes and jelly. Frost process:

  • take plums. Remove the fruits of the pitched and cracked;
  • wash under cold water and dry on a towel. Plums must dry completely;
  • spread the dry plums on the tray or on the board and send to the freezer so that they hardened;
  • solid fruits are removed from the freezer and lay out over the package with one layer. Do not pour a lot of plums into one of the crokes, they can face;
  • tie Packages with plums and send to the freezer.

It is advisable to remove the bags from the refrigerator on the second day, unleash and release all air. Then again tie and send plums "Winter" in the freezer.

Freeze a plum for winter without seeds

Fruits without bones are suitable for adding to desserts and as a filling for pies. Freezing process:

  • washing dry plums cut into half a knife and remove the bone. If the fruits are too large - cut them with slices;
  • lay out the midnight plums on the tray, cover the food film and send three hours in the freezer. Fruits should not come into contact with each other;
  • solid fruits put into containers from plastic or in bags and remove to the freezer.

Freeze a plum for winter in sweet syrup

For this method, freezing can take even surfing fruits. Freezing process:

  • remove the bones from the washed fruit. For frost, halves of drain and slices will be suitable;
  • prepare syrup. For 1 liters of water, take 700 g of sugar and put a teaspoon of lemon juice (not necessarily);
  • stir all the ingredients in the saucepan and bring on the boiling plate;
  • cool the syrup and fill the cut plums in another question;
  • place the fetus to the fridge for several hours;
  • plums in plastic containers, cover tightly covers and place in the freezer. Many fruits in containers do not overlap, because the fluid during freezing is expanding.

In winter, you are not threatened by avitaminosis, because you frozen a lot of delicious drains. Enjoy their taste, boil compotes, make patties and add to desserts.

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