How to dry prunes

How to dry prunes

Dried prunes are a delicious and useful dried fruit that is sold in stores all year round. Cost, and the quality of the goods is not always suited by the buyer. Therefore, for lovers of prunes there are excellent news - plums can be prepared in advance and then use for the preparation of various dishes.

How to dry prunes - what plughs fit

To get a very tasty and useful prunes, you need to choose the right plum for drying. Namely, ripe "Hungarian" is suitable, the variety can be called "Hungarian" or "Italian Hungarian". This variety plum is very dense skin and flesh. Just what is needed for drying. In addition, "Hungarian" has more sugar than in other varieties of drain and not so much acid. The perfect variety is not only for drying, but also for billets for the winter, because the bone is easy to separate without damage. By the way, any grade "Hungarian" is suitable for drying. If you got a grade of "Hungarian purple" or "ashanta", boldly proceed to the billets.

How to dry prunes - preparation

It is known that for winter blanks, elastic, mature and intact fruits are suitable. Drain will have to tear off the branches, and do not rub the tree, to then collect plum fallen on the ground. If the other option is not provided, then you can rub the branch somewhere in the afternoon. Overweight plums fall to the ground (they can be used for jams and jams), rotten (will have to throw) and misunderstood. In the morning there is a favorable period for collecting matured fruits.

The collected plums must be folded into the basket with holes, leave in a well-ventilated room for 3 days.

Sorting: Ripe and not damaged plums are selected, wild, rotten and dedicated are ejected. Leaves and fruits need to be removed, bones - gently take out. Plums decompose in size so that the halves are approximately the same size.

How to dry prunes

You can dry the plum in the oven and in a special electric dryer. Not every mistress has such a device, but the oven is installed in each apartment or house. Therefore, the easiest way to learn to dry the plum in the oven.

How it is right:

  • to get 1 kg of a dry finished product, you will need to prepare approximately 4.5 freshly moved drains;
  • to accelerate the drying process, plums can be pre-blanched: omit in boiling water with the addition of soda (15 g per 1 liter of liquid) literally for 30 seconds, quickly remove, rinse it right away in cold water. To do this, cook a saucepan with cold water and put in a row with a stove;
  • if you did everything right, then the result of the work will be immediately applied: the skin will be in a small mesh. Just what you need in order to get rid of the excess moisture during drying;
  • if the first pancake turned out to be a coma and appeared on the surface of draining large cracks or in general, the skin was peeling, it means that it is necessary to reduce the time of the blanch and instead of 30 seconds to hold plums in boiling water for 20 seconds;
  • after the blanching is made, plums can be dried. This can be done as follows: Prepare Nints for drying in the oven, Singing paper for baking, decompose plums in 1 layer so that the plum "watched" a cut up;
  • drying temperature 45 degrees, duration - 3 hours. You will notice that the skin will start gradually wrinkled. Just after a 3-4-hour drying, the plums can be raised and set the brass chain timer to 80 degrees (this is maximum), dry 10 minutes. Then the oven needs to turn off and leave plums for 5 hours, until complete cooling;
  • then repeat the action and so for 3 days. The last stage of the drying is an excerpt of 2-3 minutes in the oven at the maximum (temperature 100 degrees). It is necessary in order to stand out sugar and at high temperatures caramelized.

The finished prunes are soft and elastic, and if it is pressed - then the juice should not stand out.

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