How to bake apples in the oven

How to bake apples in the oven

Baked apples in the oven - a uniquely simple dish of amazing taste. Simple it, because everyone can prepare this useful dessert simply in the presence of an oven and apples. Apples are available all year round, contain vitamins A and B, filled with iodine, calcium, iron, sodium and chrome. The trace elements contained in the apples improve the absorption of iron by the body, which positively affects the heart muscle and the digestion process. The most important thing is that the baked apples do not lose vitamin and useful composition during heat treatment - baking. It is also important that this dessert is dietary. Baked apples can already be included in the diet of kids from 7 months, they will be taped with young milfs during breastfeeding period. Baked fruits can be pampered on a diet.

How to choose baking apples?

Perfectly suitable for baking the fruits of sweet or sour-sweet, such varieties like white pouring, Antonovka, Grennie Smith. Sour apples after baking will become more acidic. Apples for baking it is better to choose medium or large, strong, juicy, without damage. Red and yellow apples will be tasty and in the raw form, and for the oven the optimal apples are green. It is possible to get a delicious dish of good consistency precisely from the strong fruits of the apple tree, since the dessert from loose and soft fruits will not surprise the gourmet.

Prepare apples for baking

So, on the table there are several fresh, strong and juicy fruits of an apple tree. If you have apples from your site, rinse them well enough. Purchased fruits in the store must carefully wipe with a sponge with detergent, since they are often treated far from safe substances for long-term storage. After washing, we wash the apples with a towel or a napkin. From the side of the twig neatly a knife cut a little top of the fetus.

The most useful version of the baking of the apple with the core

  • In the middle of the cut top of the fetus, put some sugar or cinnamon. Sugar is usually added in case only acid fruits.
  • For sweet or sour-sweet fruits, the addition of sugar will increase the sweetness of the dessert.
  • So that baked apples get more golden and fragrant, at will and taste, put a teaspoon of honey on the cut.

If desired, the core of the apple with bones can be removed.

  • To do this, a small funnel is cut onto the knife with a knife, then the teaspoon get to the core and gently take it out with the bones. Do not remove the core to the bottom of the fetus and do not take through the hole so that the pulp below remains. Try so that from all sides of the removed core remains as many pulp as possible.
  • Add also a little sugar or honey. So the process will be rapid and fragrant.
  • Sugar or honey add no reach of 1 cm, because when heated, the filling will increase slightly in size and can fire for the edges of the dessert.

Baked Apples for Little Children

After driving the core with the bones and making the walls of the fetus thinner, in the apple before the baking you can add many different options for the filling. They can be: cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, nuts and dried fruits, caramel, fruits and berries, vegetables and even a little alcohol. Choosing a favorite stuffing for yourself, prepare it and fill it with an apple, suck with gravity or sliced \u200b\u200bnuts, spices.

Baked apples in the oven

  • Prepare the dressing form, pour some water to the bottom and laid prepared apples. Depending on the size of the apples, the booster time may vary.
  • When baking, small apples will need less time. Since medium or large fruits are usually prepared, it will take 30-35 minutes of their stay in the oven.
  • Put the form with apples into a pre-warmed oven to 180 degrees.
  • The finished dessert has a golden shade, transparent and shutting skin. Taking the dessert from the oven, sprinkle the top with a small amount of sugar powder.

How to get on every day a variety of delicious dessert options and not spend half a day for it? Bake apples in the oven. Preparation does not take more than 15 minutes, and then for 30 minutes for you, everything will do the oven. As a result, you will get a fragrant dish for the whole family with health benefits. Improve the work of the heart muscle and digestion. The aroma and spicy taste of baked apples in the oven in 45 minutes will not leave indifferent neither small gourmet nor exquisite adults!

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