How to freeze cauliflower

How to freeze cauliflower

Freeze a cauliflower for winter in the freezer, and you will have a product for soups and casserole until next season. It retains its taste and useful substances in a frozen form. In the winter in stores and the market there is no large range of vegetables. But you can replenish the stock of vitamins in the body with this useful product.

Correctly choose cauliflower for freezing

When choosing cauliflower heads, listen to the following recommendations:

  • give preference to fresh and young cabbage with small milky and white inflorescences;
  • casuals with sluggish parts and brown spots for freezing are not suitable. Even slightly sluggish cabbage is not suitable for the workpiece for the winter;
  • do not put very large heads in the freezer or those that have been kept at home at room temperature for a long time;
  • it is best to freeze cabbage from your country site or purchased from gardeners on the market. You will be sure that the vegetables were not treated with chemicals;
  • when buying, choose a coach of stena. He is young and juicy;
  • do not pay attention to different shades of cabbage leaves. This indicates that some heads grew into the shadows, and others - in the sun.

We prepare cauliflower to frost

We proceed to the preparation of cabbage:

  • put cabbage into a container with salted warm water for half an hour. It is necessary to get rid of insects that can live in inflorescences;
  • wash the cochanis under running water. You can wash the dirt, pesticides and small insects, climbed into inflorescences;
  • cut all green leaves with cabbage. They are not needed, some inflorescences are frozen;
  • cut the Kochan knife for inflorescences or divide them. All small brown spots cut out.

What pieces cut the vegetable for freezing - decide for yourself. Think that you will prepare from cauliflower. For the preparation of soup, the magnitude of pieces does not matter, you will wipe them. For the side dish, disassemble the Kochan on beautiful inflorescences.

How to freeze cauliflower - the first way

Prepared and disassembled cabbage scenery dried on a clean towel. Take a few small cellophane kules and put a portion of cabbage inflorescences for one cooking. Remove the air from the bag after placing the cabbage into it, tie tightly and put on the freezer.

Prepared vegetable can be stored in plastic food trays. Spread the cabbage inflorescences at a short distance from each other, cover the lid and send to the freezer.

How to freeze cauliflower - the method of the second

Here you have to work a little:

  • pour water into a large saucepan and send on a booster plate;
  • prepared cabbage place in boiling water for 3 minutes for blanching;
  • prepare a large bowl with cold water. Revised inflorescences are removed from boiling water and immediately immerse in the "ice bath." Three minutes fold in the kules or the vegetable tray and send to the freezer.

How much to store in the freezer cauliflower?

Find out how much degrees your freezer is supported. This is important not to disturb vegetable semi-finished products. They will ruin and can harm your health after eating. If the freezer gives up to -6 degrees - keep cabbage no more than two weeks. If the temperature exceeds 12 degrees of frost - there are 2-3 months for freezing. The temperature of 18 degrees with a minus sign allows vegetable to store a whole year.

Do not blanch additionally inflorescences that were taken out of the freezer for cooking. Cabbage is already ready for frying or to use in soups. Add a portion of a delicious useful vegetable to a child in a soup, in omelet or stew and in your kitchen vitamins will be a whole year.

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