How to cut a strawberry with sugar

How to cut a strawberry with sugar

Strawberry, flew with sugar, very tasty and useful. Not under the heat treatment, it fully retains its vitamins. So that the workpiece is well kept, you need to know some secrets. What, read in this article.

How to cut a strawberry with sugar for storage on the shelf of the refrigerator

Any strawberry suitable for the workpiece, even slightly immobally and surpassed. If the strawberry is dirty, then wash it in running water and dry on the plated wipes, if the berry is clean, you may not even wash.

  • Tell the strawberry tails. Weigh the berry on the kitchen scales. Put the strawberries into a deep bowl or a bowl of the blender.
  • Measure the sugar sand exactly twice as much as the strawberry weighs. Sugar take the smallest.
  • Berries crush the puree puree or a blender.
  • In the strawberry puree, pour half of the sugar and stir it up to dissolution. Pour the second half of the sugar and mix the second time.
  • Send a strawberry in a cool place, for example, in the refrigerator and give it a 2-3 hours. During this time, stirred a blank several times - sugar must turn into syrup.
  • Farm in the hot oven washed with soda banks and cool them. Covers hide with boiling water and cool too.
  • Purchase with sugar strawberries put in banks and cover them first with parchment paper, and then the lids.
  • Banks Store only on the shelf of the refrigerator. If you put them in the storage room, then after a few days, strawberries wanders.

The billet on the shelf of the refrigerator can be stored no more than 2-3 months. Lonent storage will lead to the loss of taste qualities of the sweet strawberry mashed potatoes.

How to hand over strawberries with sugar for storage in the freezer

For the workpiece instead of jars you need rectangular food containers with covers. They compactly become in the freezer and are allowed for use at minus temperatures.

  • Strawberry prepare in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  • Load the berry with a blender or strawberry stainless steel peak.
  • Berry puree weighing and mix with the same sugar. Since the workpiece will be stored in frozen, sugar is required for it.
  • Put the sweet mashed potatoes into clean containers and close their lids.
  • Containers put in the freezing chamber.

Frozen carved with a strawberry sugar can be stored until 12 months. After her defrosting, strawberries need to eat within 1-2 days. A longer storage will lead to a strong mixture of a berry puree.

How to hand over strawberries with sugar and pour it whole berries

Cooking strawberry sweet masses on any of the above recipes, you can make another unusual workpiece.

  • Select whole strawberry berries along with tails. Wash them and dry them.
  • Lay out the berries in one or two layers in the containers.
  • Fill entire berries with a strawberry sugar.
  • Containers Close the lids and transfer them to the freezer. Turn on the "Fast Freezing" mode.

Putting with sugar strawberries can be served to pancakes, ice cream or water fruit salads. It is suitable for kissels or mousses. But the whole strawberry from the berry syrup can even decorate the cakes or just give it to children as a berry dessert.

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