The classic recipe for fruit ice is based on any natural juice, sweetener and flesh. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed, poured into a special container and stored in the freezer. If such a delicacy is covered with chocolate icing, or just insert a wand into it - it turns out beautiful, tasty, and most importantly, useful ice cream.
An American Frank Epperson is considered the primary dessert of this cold dessert. Under forgetfulness, he left a glass on the window with a lemonade, which in a few hours spent in the cold turned into a sweet layering. Having accepted the discovery for the tip of the gods, an enterprising citizen hurried to sell his idea of \u200b\u200bthe famous confectionery corporation. In 1923, the leadership of this company set up a serial release of fruit ice, which became known as ice cream.
Such a delicacy is an ideal choice for those who follow their figure and health. In 100 grams of the cold dessert contain only 100 kcal. But at the same time it has almost all useful minerals and vitamins necessary to support beauty and health.
Daily washing with ice cubes from raspberries, strawberries or blackberries will help get rid of wrinkles and swelling, and also marked skin.
Fixtures for cooking
Prepare fruit ice at home is not difficult at all. The main thing is to have a blender at hand, molds for ice cream or conventional square-shaped tanks that are built into any freezing chamber.
Methods of cooking
You can make ice cream in one-color, in the form of a traffic light, on whipped cream, with chocolate or caramel icing. For the preparation of multi-colored layers, it is necessary to freeze the layers of red, green and yellow juice alternately. You can dilute such a "rainbow" with white cream with gelatin or starch.
Make layers better than different thickness. For example, freeze 5 cm of apple juice, and add 2 cm cream on top of it, then 5 cm of cherry puree and 2 cm cream, etc. To decorate a culinary masterpiece with pieces of fruits that should be attached to the walls of the tank. To quickly remove the finished product from the ice cream, put it one minute in hot water.
Recipes fruit ice cream
Below will be the most delicious and useful recipes of the desired delicacy. So, the ice cream "Strawberry":
- carefully my floor Kila Strawberry;
- add 2 glasses of sugar to it;
- pour everything in a blender and carefully pure;
- we break into special cups, insert the sticks and put in the freezer.
Peely strawberry ice cream will also be very tasty and nutritious. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 15 g of gelatin in hot water, mix it with 3 cups of cream and 1 cup of sugar. The resulting mass should be poured by layers to the frozen strawberry puree. For example, freeze 5 cm strawberry puree, add 2 cm cream and put everything in the freezer again. Next, again, pour strawberries and send it to the cold until it is frozen. Instead of strawberries, you can use raspberry, kiwi, apricot or even a melon.
Fruit ice, made on your own, much more useful to shop, because all its components are natural, and even prepared with the love of your own hands.