How to make a milk cocktail

How to make a milk cocktail

Favorite from childhood Milk cocktail is completely easy to prepare at home. To do this, you will need: a blender or a mixer for beating, a glass of milk, 100 g of ice cream, a spoon, a tall glass, a cocktail straw. The ratio of milk and ice cream can be changed depending on preferences. For a more dense ice cream cocktail take more. You can add chocolate, vanilla, ginger, mint, cinnamon, fresh fruit or fruit syrups in the milk cocktail. Fruits before this is preferably purriced.

Blender load ice cream, it should not be melted. For a milk cocktail, it is preferable to take a creamy seal without additives. Fillers will spoil the taste, the cocktail may not be cheb. If the seal is strongly solid, a spoon, which is gained, can be periodically immersed in hot water.

Then milk is added to the blender, better with a high fatness percentage. It is desirable to take the milk, but not very, approximately + 6 °. Too cold milk has no taste, so the cocktail can get tasteless.

If the milk cocktail is planned to be prepared with fillers, add fruit puree or a variety of syrups to taste. The most successful combinations for drink - strawberries, banana, pineapple, raspberry. Apple, grapefruit or orange is unlikely to stay in milk.

All ingredients are whipped in a blender or a mixer at high speed before the formation of thick foam. If there is no mixer at hand, you can manually beat the cocktail in a shaker or a jar with a dense lid. Cocktail is immediately spilled in high glasses.

From above, you can decorate with fruit, if a cocktail is fruity, chocolate, cinnamon, mint leaves. A cocktail tube is inserted into the glass. Drink ready!

Milk cocktail is not stored in the refrigerator, you need to drink immediately. Fruit additives can oxidize milk, and the delicious air foam will fall.

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