How to make ice for cocktail

How to make ice for cocktail

Ice cubes in a cocktail for many of us ordinary things. And if you make ice color, then the cocktails familiar to us will play with new colors.

To work, we will need: packages for making ice, they are sold in economic departments, drinking water, a little berry juice, place on the shelf in the freezer, container for finished ice. Take out one package packaging. Gently pour water into it through the hole at the top of the package. We pour so much that all cells are completely filled with water.

So that the water does not flow out from the package, it provides special string stripes. We tie them to the tight node, so that our future ice has run away. Thus, fill the required number of packages.

We add berry juice into clean water. Then it is similar to pour it into another package. Do not forget to tightly tighten the strings of the package. We make the required number of blanks.

Gently put the packages with water in the freezer. It is desirable that the packets lie strictly horizontally. Then the ice will be even and will not require effort when extracting from the package. We are waiting for complete freezing.

When the ice freeze, let out the freezer bags. Remove ice from the packaging, in the same way how to remove a pill of blister. Or just tear the package, but it is necessary to abide care, otherwise all the ice will fly around the kitchen. Put the pieces of ice in the cooked container.

Ice for our cocktails and drinks is ready. In addition to the berry, try adding other juices to the water. For example, the juice of orange will paint the water in yellow. And Lime will give ice not only a greenish tint, but also a delightful fragrance.

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