The name "Lemonade" implies that lemons are used to prepare a drink. But what to do if they were not at hand? The answer is very simple - to make lemonade from any other citrus. Such a drink will differ from the classic drink with color and aroma, but the taste of him can even be more interesting than that of water with lemon. Now we will tell you how to prepare lemonade from oranges by different recipes.
Lemonade from Kork
Do not throw away the crusts from oranges - of which it turns out a wonderful refreshing drink:
- In a 3B jar, fold the crusts from four large oranges and fill them with boiling water.
- Insist the crusts in the water of 24 hours, and then skip them through the meat grinder.
- The resulting mass again fold into the jar with the same water and leave for another couple of hours.
- Perfect the drink through a frequent metal sieve and add citric acid to the resulting orange fluid (1 dessert spoon) and sugar (100 g).
- Pour the drink in a large jug and put in the refrigerator for cooling.
Whole fruit lemonade
This recipe is good because of the total of four major oranges you can cook nine liters of a refreshing drink.
- Wash the oranges with hot water, wash the napkin, put on the table and ride them with your hands. Adjust on oranges with such an effort so that they become soft to the touch, but that they do not cracked the skin. This processing is needed to ensure that there is a lot of juice.
- Cut oranges straight with the skin on arbitrary pieces. If bones come across - remove them.
- Fold out the sliced \u200b\u200boranges into the blender bowl and grind to a homogeneous puree mass.
- Pour orange mashed potatoes with cold water and leave for 30 minutes to insist.
- Place the gauze folded in a few layers on a large colander and leak up a thick mass on it. Do not forget under the colander to put a deep bowl.
- When the liquid stalks, with the remaining oranges, squeeze the remnants of the juice through the gauze.
- The resulting concentrate with water to the volume of 9 liters and add sugar and lemon acid to taste.
Lemonade of oranges with taste of mint
For the next beverage you will need more fresh mint. The taste of such a drink will be so bright and exotic that it will like it absolutely:
- 2 large oranges cut into two parts and with the help of a manual device for citrus sick juice from them.
- The remaining crusts do with pieces and fill 100 ml of boiling water so that they give their fragrance.
- In the pan, boil 2.4 liters of water and put in it crusts with liquid and beam fresh mint.
- Bring to a boil and pour 0.5 cup sugar.
- Give the drink to get drunk until sugar is dissolved.
- Send a saucepan from the fire and straighten the drink to remove mint leaves and waste crusts.
- When the drink cools, pour into it the orange juice squeezed and, if there is 50 ml of lemon juice. If there is no lemon, then lay citric acid to taste.
Frozen oranges lemonade
Another recipe in which the oranges are frozen. Due to the fact that the fruits are completely frozen, and then thawed, the juice is formed almost twice as much as in conventional fresh fruits:
- 2 Orange Put in the freezer for the night.
- In the morning, let the oranges to waste oranges so that they can be cut into a knife.
- Grind oranges with the skin, removing all the bones.
- The orange mass is filled with cold filtered water (2 l) and give in half an hour.
- Add sugar (350 g) and citric acid (15 g) and stir well.
- An hour later, strain the drink through the gauze and pour 2 l of cold drinking water into it.
If at the end of adding to lemonade is not ordinary water, but a carbonated, then a drink resembling a "phanta". Long lemonade from frozen oranges is not recommended, because it is prepared on the basis of raw water.
For whatever recipe you prepare home lemonade, carefully wash the citrus hot water with the brushes. Oranges, lemons, limes and tangerines to our country are usually coming from exotic countries. In order for them to transfer long transportation, they are treated with special preservative compositions based on wax. If you do not remove it, then the lemonade will acquire a characteristic technical taste.