What could be better cup of hot chocolate in a cool autumn day? This thick and fragrant drink was widespread in the XVI-XVII centuries, when the conquest of Mexico began. For the first time, the wonderful sweetness from the cocoa beans began to serve in Italian shops. There is a lot of recipes for which hot chocolate is prepared - from solid chocolate or cocoa.
The easiest and most affordable way. Take two tiles of bitter chocolate with high cocoa content and melt on a water bath. There, also pour 100 g of milk, stirring continuously. The mixture should not boil, but become a homogeneous mass. Hot chocolate from chocolate tree fruit. For its preparation 2 tablespoons of cocoa, a teaspoon of corn starch and some sugar or vanilla mix in the container. Pour some water there and stir. In another saucepan, warm up 300 ml of cream. Hot cream Send into a mass from cocoa, slightly sweep the wedge and warm.Hot chocolate is not only tasty, but also useful. Antioxidants and endorphine included in chocolate positively affect blood circulation, strengthen immunity, fight cancer cells and slow down aging.