How to prepare a diet carrot cake?

How to prepare a diet carrot cake?

It is necessary to eat sweet pastries and not recover - the dream of every girl, and sometimes, in pursuit of a beautiful and slender figure, it is necessary to strictly limit yourself in food. It is good that there are such recipes that allow you to maintain a good figure without damaging your favorite dishes. This recipe for dietary carrot cake is just suitable for this description. It is preparing very simple, and the result will pleasantly surprise you and please.

Diet carrot cake - essential products

To prepare a low-calorie carrot cake, you will need the following ingredients.

For dough:

  • 4 large or 5 small eggs;
  • 400-500 grams of fresh carrots;
  • a glass of oatmeal or any other flour;
  • 100 grams of low fat curd;
  • any sugar substitute (Stevia, Fitparad, etc.)
  • baking powder.

For cream:

  • any thick low-fat yogurt;
  • saharo substitute.

For decoration:

  • favorite fruits (bananas, oranges, apples, pears, etc.).

Diet carrot cake - prepare cakes

  • Grind fresh carrots to the state of Tuchi. It is possible to do this manually, the flushes of carrots on a shallow grater or use the kitchen process.

  • In the deep bowl, take eggs with a sugar substitute. Further, without stopping to beat, add 100 grams of cottage cheese to them, a glass of flour, baking powder and a rubbing carrot.

  • Start the finished dough into the silicone shape and remove into the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

Diet carrot cake - Cooking cream

For cooking cream, take any yogurt that you like best. The main thing is that it be enough thick and they could easily deceive the cakes, as well as a fully finished cake. If he is not, then add some corn starch to it or use the gelatin. Do not forget that the cream should be sweet enough, so if you have taken a classic yogurt without fillers, then be sure to sweeten it by a sugar substitute.


Diet carrot cake - collect cake

  • Ready biscuit must be well cool and cut into several cakes. The number of cortex directly depends on the size and thickness of the biscuit. Each crude thoroughly wrap in advance with a prepained cream.

  • The same cream need to deceive the cake from above and on the sides.

  • To decorate the cake, use any fruits that your family loves. Remember that bananas and grapes have the greatest caloric content, so if you want to reduce the caloric content of the product at the maximum, then refuse to use them. Best of all, pineapples and oranges are suitable for the role of decoration of the dietary cake, as they accelerate the metabolism and well affect the digestion.

The finished cake should be soaked as it is impregnated and you can serve it to the table!

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