How to cook biscuit cake

How to cook biscuit cake

The fastest solution in the preparation of the biscuit cake will be purchasing a shopping biscuit and the use of any cream from the bag - it can also be bought in the store. But the hostesses who managed to love our site and prepare for our recipes, for sure they want to learn to do a real home biscuit cake. Now we will tell you about the classic biscuit cake.

How to cook classic biscuit cake

This cake is prepared from a biscuit impregnated with syrup, lubricated with thick oil cream.

Cooking Biscuit

  • Divide four very fresh eggs on proteins and yolks.
  • Yolks Rock up a fluffy state with small sugar. Sugar Take 1/4 faceted glan.
  • Squelts from 3/4 cup sugar. After whipping proteins, their weight should keep the form well (the proteins should not be turned out when the container is turned over).
  • Put the peasants with sugar yolks and mix the mixer to whipped proteins. Use the nozzle to mix the test.
  • In the egg-sugar mass, enter 1 cup of top grade flour. Flour before this enrich oxygen, i.e. Be sure to ask.
  • Mix the dough and post it into the detachable form with a diameter of 24 cm. The shape before it is lubricated with melted cream oil and sprinkle with flour.
  • Bake the biscuit of 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Keep the first 15 minutes in the area of \u200b\u200b150 degrees, and then increase it. Check out the readiness of the biscuit Check the long wooden stick - if it is dry, then the dough passed away.
  • Remove the shape with the biscuit and put it on the side. Let stand for 30 minutes, and then get ready-made biscuit. It is necessary to put the shape on the side so that the biscuit does not donkey.
  • When the biscuit completely cools, cut it into three embers. Use a long thin knife or a special fixture with a fishing line.

Preparation of oil cream

  • Put 6 tbshk in the bucket. Sugar and pour 100 ml of water. Cook sugar syrup and retain it cool.
  • 200 g of high-quality cream oil cut into cubes and let them soften at room temperature.
  • Wake up the oil with a mixer to its smooth state.
  • Gradually, enter sugar syrup and increasing the speed achieve the cream to become thick and homogeneous.

Build cake

All three layers of biscuit are impregnate sugar syrup or jam syrup. For aroma spoon brandy or liquor. Lubricate the cakes with cream, and then put them on each other. The residues of the cream are delaying the sides. Decorate the cake at will: homemade marmalades, nuts, zucats. If you can, then make decorations from cream. For them, be sure to prepare another half of the serving of the oil cream and paint it with food or natural dyes.

How to prepare a biscuit cake - various variations

Having mastered the main recipe for a biscuit cake, you can begin to prepare its various variations. For various biscuit cakes, use chocolate or honey biscuit. Cream can be prepared chocolatesour cream, protein or custard.

  • Chocolate Biscuit - Dto the main dough, enter 100 g of cocoa powder. Best cocoa pre-mix with flour.
  • Honey biscuit - stirring the yolks and whipped squirrels with sugar, add 3 tbsp to them. liquid honey. Then praise all the flour and two teaspoons of a baking powder for the dough.

The taste of any biscuit cake will improve berries and nuts. Put them between shortcakes during smearing them with cream and decorate their cakes on top.

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