Cream for biscuit cake

Cream for biscuit cake

An experienced hostess prepares delicious cakes absolutely from any products that are in the house. Sometimes she does not even use an accurate recipe, and improvises "along the play". The novice culinary trick is trying to bake his first cake, strictly following the instructions and weigh the ingredients to a milligram. And how it happens, when the conceived cake does not work. Today we will talk about biscuit cake, or rather about the cream for him. It is from the latter to greater extent the taste and beauty of the cake on the cut depends.

Types of creams for biscuit cake

You can asslo biscuit with absolutely any cream. It should be borne in mind that:

  • if the cream is liquid (classic custard), then the biscuit cake will be wet;
  • if the cream is more dense (classic oil), then the cake will be dry.

It is best for the biscuit cake to use cream custard and adding butter or ordinary oil to it, but will pre-biscuit soak in any syrup. In all creams, you can add chopped nuts, berries from jam, lemon zucati or chopped with small cubes into powder.

Creams for biscuit cake based on butter

For cream oil you need to take only the best quality. In no case does not use the so-called "spread" - a mixture of butter and vegetable oil. With this product, the cream simply will not work.

Classic white cream

  • 300 g of butter softening to states of very thick sour cream.
  • Put in the bowl of the mixer and take it to the puff.
  • After the oil believes, add 250 g of condensed milk to it. Milk pour into small portions and whipping cream all the time.

Cream based on boiled condensed milk

  • Sealed jar of condensed milk. Put in a saucepan and pour it with water. Bring water to boil and boil condensed milk 4-5 hours.
  • When the bank is cooled with condensed milk, open it.
  • Wake up a mixer 300 g of soft butter.
  • In whipped lush oil, lay out boiled condensed milk and sweat the cream until it increases it in volume.

This cream is very good to add fluttering in powder walnuts. They will be required half of the standard glass.

Coffee cream

  • Cook classic white cream. Oil take 50 g more.
  • At the very end, with the last portion of condensed milk, pour into the bowl of the mixer 80 ml of very strong sweet coffee. Mix the cream to a homogeneous color.

Creams for biscuit cake based on milk - custard

Custard for biscuits suggest the presence of a large amount of butter in them. At the same time, the softened oil is introduced into the cream only after completely cooling the latter. If you do not adhere to this strict rule, then the oil in the cream is melted, and the cream will be very liquid. Milk-based creams are good to flavor with vanilla sugar or lemon essence.

Cream with milk and yolks

  • 2 raw egg yolks. Scroll with 1.5 sugar glasses.
  • 2 tbsp. l. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Fill dry ingredients of half cup of cold milk. Mix well.
  • 1, 5 milk glasses are brought almost to boil and enter in it yolks with sugar and a mixture of flour with sugar and milk. When Introduction, the cream is intensely interfere with the whisk so that it is not burned.
  • When the cream thickens a lot, remove it from the fire.
  • Give the cream cool. So that the cream did not form a solid crust, cover it with a food film and give her hand so that it lay straight on the cream.
  • After the cream becomes cold, take it with a soft butter (200 g).

Cream-based semi-finished

A wonderful cream for biscuits is made from a custard, which is sold in a dry form in any store.

  • Welsh cream, strictly following instructions on a pack.
  • Cool the cream under the food film.
  • Enter 200 g of soft oil into it and go well with a mixer.

French Charlotte Cream for Biscuit Cake

This cream is quite laborious in the manufacture, but with it, even from the finished store biscuit you can cook a stunning cake. Do not forget only to impregnate the biscuit with sweet syrup with the addition of a tablespoon of brandy or liquor. How to cook french cream:

  • 0.5 Glasses of milk warm and put in it 6 tbsp. l. Sugar and bag of vanilla sugar. Bring sweet milk to boiling.
  • 6 yolks. Wake up with a quarter of a glass of cold milk.
  • Scrambled with yolk milk Pour to deep bucket and pour hot sweet milk into it. Mass are very quickly mixed with a whisk and put the bucket on a very small fire.
  • Constantly interfere with the cream with a wedense and do not let him boil. As soon as the cream thickens and air bubbles will begin to form in it, remove the bucket from the fire.
  • Give the cream to cool and only then enter 300 g of softened butter and 3 tbsp. l. Cocoa powder. Cream Get the mixer.

Biscuit is very well combined with a conventional sour cream (100 grams of thick sour cream is whipped with 100 grams of sugar). If there were no products for the cream in the house, the biscuit can be smeared with any thick jam. It is best for these purposes a apricot or peaches.

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