How to make a condensed milk cream

How to make a condensed milk cream

Cream of condensed milk is one of the most delicious domestic pastries. It is preparing simply, it does not require much costs, so there must be a sign of any hostess, as well as to lovers to pamper themselves sweet.

Oil cream on condensed milk

Condensed milk and high-quality, delicious oil are two perfectly suitable products that significantly improve their taste in one composition. The main thing is to know how to cook them correctly. For this recipe, we will need 200 g. Oil on 8 large tablespoons of condensed milk. Next, we produce such a sequence of actions:

  • we take out the oil from the refrigerator, remove the wrap, put into deep containers (in it, subsequently, cream will be prepared) and let it stand a little at room temperature so that the oil soften;
  • if the oil soften does not want, we shift it into a metal saucepan and slightly heat on the stove (but we do not give it liquid); The ideal consistency should remind a thick sour cream;
  • prettyly whipped with a wedge, fork or a mixer to obtain light, air, "fluffy" mass without lumps;
  • along the spoon add condensed milk, continuing to beat the cream;
  • after the end of mixing, you can continue to beat the mass of another 5-10 minutes.

Variations of a condensed milk cream recipe

Each hostess tries to make a variety of favorite dish, therefore, various ways of preparation of the same condensed cream appear. Below we collected useful tips and recommendations regarding how to make a recipe is even tastier:

  • so that the filling has acquired a more spicy taste, add a little liquor or cocoa to the finished cream;
  • if the condensed milk suaches, do not put it in the mass "as is", but first boil and let it stand at room temperature;
  • if condensed milk and oil are peeled and do not want to connect, slightly warm them and beat them again; When this approach does not work, wipe the cream through a fine sieve;
  • for cream, it is possible to use both ordinary condensed milk and boiled, improving the taste and aroma of a pinch of vanillina;
  • if yolks are added to the recipe, it is necessary to boil them first for safety at the water bath, and then mix with a sweet mass;
  • gourmets can experiment, adding various natural "fillers" in the cream in the form of nuts, kuragi, exotic spices and spices;
  • sometimes the condensed milk cream is made on sour cream, with such proportions of ingredients: 200 g. Oil, 200 g. Smetanes, half of the banks of condensed milk;
  • mixing the resulting mass with a crumpled cookie or baked sweet korzhs for the cake, you will get a delicious and so-friendly kiddy's cake "potato";
  • so that the cream with sour cream turned out to be more "cool", add a special thickener for cream to a mass.

It turned out that at home there is no condensed milk, or it was not enough for a cake, but I don't want to run to the store at all? Additive can always be cooked at home! Take a glass of sugar and a glass of milk, connect from 20 g. Oil, negotiate the composition for 10 minutes. Over time, the condensed milk will become more dense.

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