How to make cream thicker

How to make cream thicker

At the most inopportune moment, the favorite cake under the threat of failure. Cakes turned out excellent, the cream is delicious, but for some reason liquid ... t aK It happens, and more often on the eve of the holiday, when work boils in the kitchen, there is an unbearable heat, and the cream ... Cream in warmth becomes juicy. For each view there is an express method of incurred, which will smooth the situation and not put You are uncomfortable to guests or loved ones.

If You boil the custard, always at hand there are all kinds of thickeners - flour, starch, eggs. If you have all three ingredients in the covers, then prefer starch and eggs. Take a little cold milk or on the extreme case of the driver. Take 1. 2 eggs, thoroughly sweat foam, add milk or water, and after - 1 3 spoons of starch. Connect the ingredients to a homogeneous mass, put your custard on fire, bring up to soft boiling, reduce the fire and thin teeth the thickener, and stirring at the same time. Do not move away from the cream, constantly stumble it. Starch can be replaced with flour. The result is guaranteed.


If You prepared protein cream and immediately noticed that he melts, then the only way out - to cool it well. Place a bowl with cream in the refrigerator, and if it works weakly, then immediately in the freezer. Control the degree of cooling, the protein should not frozen in icicle. Remove chilled Proteins Move with sugar, add a little vanilla to eliminate the unpleasant odor and immediately beat electrovserchik Or a blender to extremely thick consistency, immediately use. The prepared dessert is better to immediately put in a cool place or dry in the oven if the cream was designed for meringue.

Sour cream cream most often does not cause harness on emergency rehabilitation, but if you are wrying in the kitchen, then the sour cream is necessarily fucks. In sour cream cream it is very appropriate to add gelatin, which is always acceptable for the dessert "Bird's milk". On 1 l sour cream, take 2 packs gelatin 25 gras mm fori am a strong density and 1 pack for easy souffle. Dissolve gelatin proportionally: 1 pack on a half-table of water. When the gelatin sweeps, put sour cream on fire, add sugar to taste and slowly enter the gelatin, stirring constantly. No need to bring to a boil. When the mixture "breathes" by steam, put the fire, and let it cool in the natural temperature, and after can be cooled.

except In addition to sour cream and custard cream, corn starch can be used. In the case of sour cream, it is not necessary to dilute with liquid. Enter a few lodges to K.rakhmala with an active whipping sour cream with sugar. Use better mixer, blender or electric whine on large speed. If you do the souffle, then do not get drunk and remember that when cooled, the consistency is substantially thickened.

By cooking cream, try to provide in advance what is very hot in the kitchen when the oven works. Therefore, it is better to bake a coggy in advance, and after begin to prepare the cream. Choose fresh products and remember that thick protein cream will be made from cold egg proteins. When separation, prevent yolk in the protein, otherwise everything is in vain. For a thick sour cream, buy thick sour cream and keep all the time her in fridge.

If you like to create desserts and chop cakes, then always keep the base for the cream in the refrigerator directly before cooking. In the reserve you should always have eggs, starch and flour.

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