How to melt chocolate

How to melt chocolate

Sometimes it happens to melt chocolate: to decorate the cake, for the preparation of a chocolate sauce or simply to pour them the ice cream. So that chocolate does not spoil, but get a plastic and homogeneous mass, you need to know some tricks.

You can drip any chocolate: black, milk or white. The main rule for all species is not to overdo it. With too much temperatures, any chocolate becomes very thick and lumps are formed in it. Clear chocolate is better in a water bath.

The second one that should never be done is to add water to the cleaned chocolate. Water or steam from the lid, which is sometimes closed with chocolate, changes the consistency of chocolate to a more liquid, and it will not be gentle and drum. It is better to add to the container with chocolate cream or butter.

The third rule for the proper interpretation of chocolate is to constantly interfere. If this is not done, then the chocolate is raised unevenly, and with further cooling it is formed solid inclusions.

In the water bath, chocolate melts so:

  1. In a small pan, pour water and bring it to a boil.
  2. Chocolate tile break over pieces and fold into a bowl.
  3. Place a bowl on a saucepan in such a way that its bottom does not touch the boiling water.
  4. Add 20-30 grams of butter or a couple of tablespoons of fresh fatty cream to chocolate 20-30 grams of creamy oil.
  5. Constantly interfere with chocolate, better silicone spatula.

You can melt chocolate in the microwave, but this is a more time-consuming method. In this case, the furnace door will have to constantly open to mix chocolate. So:

  1. Dismake chocolate tiles to pieces and fold them into a ceramic bowl.
  2. Heat chocolate at maximum power for one minute.
  3. Next to every 30 seconds, mix the chocolate until it is complete.

Oil or cream in this case, add at the very end and stir the resulting chocolate mass.

If you carefully close on the casting process, then chocolate can be melt and just on the open fire:

  1. Turn on the gas or electric stove to the smallest power.
  2. Fit chocolate pieces into a small saucepan with a double bottom.
  3. Optionally add cream or oil.
  4. Put a saucepan on fire and constantly interfere with chocolate before it is completely interference.

With this method of molding, chocolate can be removed from the stove before it is mounted. Some of the smallest pieces will "reach" to the desired condition due to heat, which provides the double bottom of the pan. But it is necessary to interfere with chocolate even after removing it from the fire.

Following our advice, chocolate you melt quickly and efficiently. And then decorate them cake, ice cream or fruit dessert. Keep in mind that if you do not add oil or cream into chocolate, it will begin to stick again, and pretty fast. So melted chocolate needs to be used immediately by appointment.

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Rita 16/04/2018 at 15:03

Useful for me.


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