How to make wine from apples

How to make wine from apples

If the harvest year happened and do not know what to do with apples, you can cook the juice, dry dry, jerked, but you can cook wine. Apple wine is a very pleasant and healthy drink, of course, if you use it in moderation. In these fruits, microelements useful for humans, which in wine, by the way, are saved. Let's look at the recipe for apple wine, and what devices will need us.

First you need to collect apples and squeeze juice. One of the main conditions - the collected fruit is impossible. When you wash your apples, then with dust, we wash the yeast fungi with the peel. Just wipe polluted with a towel and remove the fired parts. Remove the core from the apples with seeds, so that the guardful taste is not transferred. Next of the prepared fruits should be squeezed.

To conveniently press the juice, apples are recommended to grind on the grater. Well, if you have an electric or mechanical grater (it is impossible to use the hitch), otherwise you will find a lot of work on chopping fruits on a manual grater. After you are overgrown with apples in mashed potatoes, let him stand for a couple of days. In this period, fermentation will begin and so that it is better to go, the mass must be mixed several times a day. After sludge, the juice will be squeezed easier. Well, when the puree sat down, squeeze the juice with the press. If you do not have such a device - not trouble. Take a clean bag of burlap, insert it into the container and pour apple puree into it. Then you make it and hang it over the capacity, in a few hours all the juice stalks.

After the juice was separated, and it began to ferment, as evidenced by the characteristic smell, it's time to add sugar. How much to pour it - everyone decides himself. If sugar is less, then the wine will not be very strong - dry. And if more - then the yeast will not recycle all sugar, and the drink will be sweet. On average, it is recommended to put 250-300 grams per liter of wort, but you need to still take into account the sweetness of the apples themselves. If they are sweet, then the sugar will have to add less.

Now the wort is needed to pour into the container where it will be saved. For such purposes, glass bottles are perfect and twenty liters. Pour the wort somewhere in three quarters. Make a wooden cork and drill a hole in it. Close the neck capacitance with a plug and insert the tube to remove the gases into the hole. Get tightness of blockage by fixing the cork with wax or sailing plasticine. Put the bottle into a dark warm place, the free end of the tube to lower into the glass with water so that the air does not get into wort and did not turn it into vinegar. The optimal temperature for fermentation is 20-25 degrees. The end of fermentation can be considered the cessation of bubbles. On average, this process lasts a month and a half. When fermentation goes, the bottle cannot be scarce and after graduation it is necessary to give young guilt to settle for several days.

The drink that you have turned out can be consumed, but it has a yeast taste, and therefore it is better to give him a trim. To do this, prepare the container that you can close hermetically. Make sure that it is necessarily clean and dry, you can still warm it from the inside with a hairdryer. Then tube break the wine to this container. Pour the most complete so that less air remains in the container. Next, the container needs to be clogged hermetically and put in a dark cool place for three months. During this time, the wine will divert and become fragrant and pleasant to taste.

After three or four months, the wine is bottled, it is fully prepared for use.

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