How to cook ice cream at home

How to cook ice cream at home

Ice cream - favorite delicacy of children and most adults. This is the merit of both the diverse taste features and the food and biological value of the product. Treat yourself, your loved ones and native ice creams of your own preparation. At home, dessert is prepared simply and fast enough. It is much more delicious shopping.

Standard products cooked in an industrial setting are created in a homeworce of milk, sugar, eggs, a variety of flavors, thickeners that give elasticity, tenderness and softness of the product. However, such impurities harm the body, therefore the benefit from the factory ice cream is insignificant. To obtain a delicious and nutritious dessert without chemical preservatives, it should be prepared personally. All the favorite dessert is prepared as "in the old manner" - manually and with the help of ice cream.

For those who wish often to indulge their seven similar delicacy, it is best to purchase homemade ice cream. The device will cool itself, saturates with oxygen and creates a creamy soft mixture. And for the preparation of the dessert, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bplace the components of the recipe in the prescription, put everything into the fridge for 40 minutes, and then intensely beat the mixer. It is necessary to do this procedure three times and only after that can be considered a dish.

The recipes of popular delicacy are many - ranging from simple and affordable to extraordinary dicks. For example, in China, they created a recipe with the taste of firefire snakes. We will focus here on more familiar recipes. There are several options for ice cream prepared at home:

  1. Yogurt. You need to pierce the wand with yogurt and put in the freezer. For freezing, it will take 3 hours, it is necessary to occasionally stir the yogurt to achieve uniform freezing.
  2. Fruit juices. Freeze the juice spilled on the shaper.
  3. dairy ice cream. The process of preparation will require more effort. Dessert recipes such set.

when cooking homemade ice cream hostess determines the composition of products. But first you must learn how to do " english cream", Which is the basis of almost any ice cream. Put on low heat milk and bring to a boil, and at this time, grind the egg yolks with the sugar. Narrow jet is necessary to pour the cooked egg mixture into the cooled milk and once again put on fire the resulting composition, do not forget to stir occasionally. After thickening cool and refrigerate. Next until thick whipped cream and mix with the cooled down structure. The finished product is put into the container and again placed in the freezer. Ready to be part of three hours, but every hour it should be beating a blender or mixer. Main products:

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • cream - 250 ml;
  • 6 egg yolks, always fresh.

  homemade ice cream. Stir sugar and milk, then pour back 250 milliliters of milk. In the remaining starch milk to dissolve. The first solution was brought to a boil over low heat and then pour starch. Thickened liquid sheltering film and leave to cool. Beat the cold cream and connect to get the composition. Leave it in the refrigerator, stirring every 25 minutes.


  • 310 ml of milk;
  • 260 ml of 35% cream;
  • 36 g of powdered milk;
  • 99g of sugar;
  • 1 tsp. vanilla sugar;
  • 11 g kukuri. starch.

Chocolate ice cream. Beat yolks with sugar, combine the mixture with the warm cream and cook until thick. After the pouring of the melted chocolate and stir well. Further down the chart.

  • 2 tbsp. cream;
  • 2 chocolate bars;
  • 3 yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. MAR. powder.

Ice cream creme brulee. Melted sugar to caramel color, then pour in the milk and cook, stirring until the state of condensed milk. Further breed in small amount of milk starch, and remainder of the sugar is mixed with milk powder and add a little milk. Then pour it into caramel syrup and heated to reflux, and after dissolved starch introduced and sealed peculiar jelly. The composition is cooled and added to it with whipped cream.


  • 95 ml of the cream;
  • 335 ml of milk;
  • 30 g dry. milk;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 11 g of collapse. corn.

Shop ice cream does not compare with homemade. All that is required is the freezer, natural products and a wonderful mood. Sugar can be replaced with natural honey or brown sugar, milk - use one-piece useful. Such tricks will allow creating a more nutritious and tasty product. Home dessert is an opportunity for experiments in order to please all their homemade sweets.

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