Jelly jam from black currant

Jelly jam from black currant

Black currant is very rich in pectin, which makes jams of it look like jelly. But so that the delicacy is really high-quality, any jam you need to cook, strictly following technology.

How to prepare a jelly jam made of black currant without berries

For the workpiece, take:

  • a little overripe black currant - 5 glasses;
  • drinking water - 1.5 glasses;
  • sugar depending on the amount of juice obtained - 1.5 glasses per 1 cup of juice;
  • lemon fresh - 1/2 part.

How to cook this jelly jam:

  • Pure berries pour into a saucepan and add all the water and juice from lemon to them. Load the mass of the immersion blender.
  • Put the resulting liquid puree on the stove and bring to a boil. Boil on a very slow fire for 10 minutes.
  • Coland to shook three layers of gauze and pour hot on it. Wait until the bowl, substituted under the colander, stalk all the juice. Outside remnants manually
  • Measure the volume of juice and mix it with sugar: take it, as mentioned, 1.5 glasses per 1 cup of liquid.
  • Juice with sugar, poured into a saucepan, bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes.
  • While the juice is brewed, cool a small saucer in the freezer. Drick hot juice on it and wait for it to cool. If the juice immediately turns into jelly, finish the cooking.
  • With a situation where the cooled juice remains liquid, continue to cook up to 10 minutes.
  • Repeat the experiment with a cold saucer.
  • Hot jelly jam run in jars, which are pre-sterically in the microwave or oven.
  • Give the jam to cool, and then close it with the lids.
  • Keep the workpiece in a cool place.

How to make a shore-like jam from black currant with whole berries

Products that you need:

  • black currant - 6 glasses;
  • sugar sand - 4 glasses;
  • water is 1 cup.

First, prepare a weak syrup of 1 cup of sugar and 1 glasses of water. Remove the foam from it, and then lower the berries into the syrup. Bring the syrup with berries to boil and boil 5-7 minutes. After that, pumped in the pelvis with jams the remaining 3 cups of sugar and mix the jam on a wooden spoon very gently. Stirring produce, holding a pelvis at minimum fire. As soon as you feel that the tanks of sugar are already dissolved, turn off the stove. Give the jam a little cool, and then warm it up with dry clean banks. Each bank, cover the parchment paper, and install the plastic cover on top of it. Keep the jam in the refrigerator.

How to cook the jelly jam of black currant raw

Take the row of berries of currants and sugar, for example, 2 kg. Clean dry berries Sill with sugar and spreading them with a pinch for potato mashed potatoes. You can use the blender. Mix the mass and send to the fridge directly in the pan, in which the berries have shared. Every 3-4 hours, mix the raw jam. When sugar is well dissolved, put the raw jam in jars. From above, pour on a tablespoon of sugar powder - it forms a crust that will not give the jam to worry. Store jelly cheese jam in the cold.

More severe gelasting properties have a red currant. It can be mixed with black in any proportions and cook jam by the above-described recipes.

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