Raspberry jam without cooking

Raspberry jam without cooking

Malina - odorous, sweet, vitamin berry. The jam made from it is not only a delicacy, but also an appetizing medicine that we are happy to accept with colds. But the beneficial substances will continue in a delicious billet, if you cook raspberry jam without cooking.

Malina without cooking jam - Basic recipe

The fruits of raspberries are very gentle, quickly absorb water, so you should not wash them before cooking. Just combat raspberries from twigs, sticks left fruits. If purchased berries, soak them for a couple of minutes in a container with cold water. The pop-up garbage to flow, the raspberry is shovel and put into the sieve to the glass liquid. Prepare: 1 kg of raspberries and 1.5 kg of sugar.

  • Berries put in a saucepan and revenge them with a pestle from a mortar to a smooth consistency.
  • Mix the mass with sugar. Put in heat, not forgetting to mix once a hour.
  • After six hours, try the puree if sugar grains are felt, leave the workpiece to reach another half an hour, stirring it every 10 minutes.
  • Boil jam to banks, block. Covers take what is: polyethylene, screw, go and white paper sheet, pulled by a rubber band around the neck of the cans.

Tip: So that Raspberry does not bother, let off the finished jam with a layer of sugar powder.

Keep the raw jam in the fridge or cellar and deliver not only during diseases, but just like that, drink a seagull and remember about summer.


Raspberry jam without cooking with lemon

For such a workpiece, you will need 2 kg of sugar, 1.5 kg of raspberries, 1 lemon.

  • Pure raspberries and lemon (together with bones and peel) skip through a meat grinder. Add sugar, mix.
  • Cover with a mixture with a lid, leave for 4 hours. Bring the composition is hourly.
  • When the mass becomes homogeneous, spread the jars, close, hide in a cold place.

Jam feed with cottage cheese, milk, add to the dough for baking mats and gingerbread or in summer fruit compotes.


Jelly jam from raspberry without cooking

Jelly from raspberry can be called jam conditionally. The view of sweets is more like a colored jelly, but it is so saturated with vitamins, minerals and other utilities, which must certainly make such homework.

  • Malina fold into a wide capacity, remember the pushing, squeeze the juice. It is better to do this through three layers of gauze or by the Soviet way - using elastic tights, as the juicer is quickly clogged with cake.

Tip: If you like a loose jam, together with the raspberry, press the red currant 3: 1.

  • In a tidy pan mix the juice with sugar, one glass of juice is two glasses of sand. Stir. Put for a week to a warm place until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Preparing Jelly Spread on dry jars, block, place in the refrigerator.


Raspberry jam without cooking - fast way

If you plan to eat supplies in a short time, you will fit an easy way to cook jam. Pure raspberry pour with sugar powder 1: 2, mix. Spread into the prepared banks, close the parchment paper, remove the reserve. Do not be afraid if the day after three, the berries in the jars will rise up, and the sweet syrup will be at the bottom. The quality of jam from this will not suffer.

Get a treat with a wooden spoon, lay out the vases, drink herbal champs with him, add to kissels, yogurts, milk cocktails and cereals.

Photo 7.

Raspberry jam is a delicious natural dessert that can not only cure colds, raise immunity, improve the work of the heart, but also to increase the mood in a cold long winter.

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