Red currant jam

Red currant jam

Red currant - a berry is not only common, but extraordinarily useful and tasty. You are not mistaken by making it the main figure of the dessert. Jam, jam, jelly, joy - in each of the delicacies of the red currant berry will reveal the entire range of their tastes. Jam can be obtained by both the "cold" method and by classic cooking ingredients. In the first case, a somewhat more vitamins will continue.

"Cold" jam from red currant

Prepare 2 kg of sugar and 1 kg of berries. Rinse currants, separate the berries from the twigs, dry. Skip the fruits through the meat grinder or send to the blender. In the absence of these devices to the aid, a classic sieve will come through which it is necessary to wipe the currants. Put the resulting mixture with sugar. Wooden spoon, mix the composition to completely dissolve sugar. Ready. Jam can be placed in pre-sterilized banks and roll.

Red currant jam with whole berries

Rinse 1 kg of red currant, remove the twigs. Berries send to the pelvis in which they will be cooked in the future, and pour them out 1 kg of sugar. Wait until the fruit is empty than juice. At this time, the composition should not be mixed, otherwise you can damage the berries - gently shake the container. Next, dishware with currants send on the stove and cope with the composition of about 15-20 minutes. Jam is ready.

Red currant jam in a slow cooker

This recipe is suitable for those who decided to treat a small amount of berries - no more than 1 kg. Multivarka's bowl place 1 kg of sugar and 1 kg of flushed currant. When the fruit is breaking the juice, set the "quenching" and 50-60 minutes in the device panel.

Jelly from a berry of red currant

1 kg of berries currants wash and dry. Grind the mass with a blender or meat grinder. Next, the fruits shift into the enameled dishes, add a glass of water and send the composition on the stove. Heat it until it starts to boil. Do not forget to continuously stir it. Couch for currants for 2 minutes, and after - pass through the sieve. In the resulting mass, it is poured 1 kg of sugar and send it again on the slab on the middle fire. Now you already boil the composition of 30 minutes, also not forgetting to mix it.

Red currant jam for patients with diabetes

In addition to people suffering from diabetes, this recipe will be relevant for those who care about the figure. 1 kg of red currant rinse, remove branches, possible leaves, dried. 650 g fruchose mix with 2 glasses of water. The solution is placed on fire, where it will stay until the fructose is completely dissolved. Next, add currant berries to syrup. Cook the composition on a small fire 5-7 min.

Orange and Red Berry

The original combination of currant sour currencies and the sweets of citrus fruits few people will leave indifferent. In addition, the obtained jam can be safely used as an interesting baking filling. To prepare this dessert, 1 kg of berries, 2 orange and 1 kg of sugar will be required. Berries and 1 orange grinding (separately from each other), and from the second orange squeeze juice. Add sugar to the ground fruits. After all the ingredients mix and send on the stove. By bringing the composition to a boil, boil her more about 7 minutes. At this time, the composition should be practically continuously stirred.

Red Currant Jam with Malina

After pre-training berries of currant 0.5 kg and raspberry 1 kg (washed out, the fruits actually separated, dried them), mix them. In the process of mixing, do not forget to add 1,5 kg of sugar. The composition leaves until the berries will be allowed. When it happened - boldly send them to the stove. On a small fire, bring the composition to a boil and boil 40 minutes, after stirring it from time to time. In the cooked container, you post jam immediately when it is still hot.

And remember, a sweet delicacy will be more delicious than the larger and more succulent fruit you choose.

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