It is possible to enjoy fresh red currants in the midst of summer. And in order to enjoy the taste of these berries all year round, you should not only freeze them, but also cook, fighting with sugar. Thus, wonderful desserts are obtained in the form of jam, jam, jam, jelly. In combination with any cream, such a jam can be filler for cakes, cakes, interlayers for pies and sour cream.
Before you begin to prepare this delicacy, thoroughly prepare a thorough harvest. We move the currant, remove the twigs, rinse with water. So that the berries flood, 1-2 minutes weganize them in a small amount of water and wipe well through a sieve, skin and bones are throwing. In the enamelled dishes of 20 minutes, we prepare a berry puree, add 1 kg of sugar (at 1.5 kg of currant) and, stirring, so as not to carry, on a slow heat, we will be screwed to thickens. In the cooking process, we remove the resulting foam. Hot jam fill sterilized jars, climb them and cover them to full cooling.Jam from red currant can be used as an independent dessert, it is not bad with ice cream, souffle, cocktails and yogurts. Such a jam can be an exquisite addition to confectionery baking, fruit salads, cottage cheese casserole, pancakes and pancakes. Delicious, useful and beautiful jam is easy to prepare at home.