How to cook blueberry jam

How to cook blueberry jam

It is difficult to imagine that in a small dark berry of blueberries enclosed with colossal benefit! Here you have vitamins B, A, C, as well as iron, magnesium and other trace elements needed by the human body for normal functioning. Blueberry Blueberry Equipment is known for its positive effect on vision, gastrointestinal tract, renewed throat and much more. One of the most delicious ways to feed this unique berry to the table is freshly fragrant jam. Today, you will find a lot of different recipes on the Internet. But, how best to cook boiled dessert to keep the whole bouquet of "utility", combine the invaluable strengthening effect on the body and incomparably a pleasant ink taste?

Traditional blueberry jam

The simplest recipe for the blueberry jam will require you at least ingredients, effort and time. So, you will need 1 kilogram of blueberry berries and 800 grams of sugar sand.

  • The first thing should be prepared by the berry - to go through, wash and leave in colander for a while so that the glasses are excess water.
  • Then, you need to put the blueberries in the dishes, in which the dessert will be boiled, fall asleep with sugar and leave at about five o'clock, so that the berry lasted the juice.
  • After the specified time, the dishes should be rearranged on the stove, bring the contents of the berry substance to a boil. Then set the mode of slow fire and cook for 15 minutes. After that, the slab should be turned off. Remember that the foam appeared needs to be removed by noise.
  • The blueberry mixture should cool, and after that, it is necessary to put the dishes on the slow fire and protrude the yoke 15-minutes.
  • The setting is your fantasy matter, you can pour ready-made jam into crystal dishes and file to the table. If the jams turned out too much, then the surplus can be poured over jars, close the lids tightly and remove into the refrigerator.

Bedroom jam on honey

No less tasty, but a more useful option of cooking a blueberry jam eliminates the use of sugar sand, instead of a cook recommended to use honey! It should be borne in mind that 1 kilogram of sugar is replaced with 1 cup of fragrant bee dara. The algorithm for the processing of blueberries is almost the same as in a classic recipe:

  • We should prepare a berry (see the traditional recipe).
  • Then you need to stretch the blueberries in Cashitz, shifting into the container in which the jam will be prepared, put on the stove, bring to a boil, to reduce fire, cook for 15 minutes, do not forget to stir and remove the foam!
  • After that, you need a thin jet to introduce honey into berry puree. At this stage, it is necessary to stir the product constantly so that nothing is burned.
  • As soon as honey "dispels", you should remove the dishes from the stove. On the finished jam, optionally added, at the rate of 2 tablespoons of alcohol by 1 kilogram of berries.
  • The inherbird dessert is bottled on banks and put in the refrigerator to cool or is served to feed even warm.

Lemon-blue jam

This variant of the berry jam is a wonderful medicine from colds, a remarkable means of strengthening immunity in a cold winter. You will need 1 kilogram of blueberry berries, 400 milliliters of water, 1 lemon, 1.5 kilograms of sugar.

  • As always, you must first prepare a berry (see a traditional recipe), then you need to boil it within 5-6 minutes in the water, leak on the colander.
  • Berry decoction is perfect for cooking syrup. It should be pouring sugar and cook until all the "sand" cannot be dissolved. At the rate of 300 milliliters of the beam by 1.5 kilograms of sugar.
  • Blueberries should be suspended in the dishes, in which the dessert will be cooked, pour the syrup, bring to a boil, cook for 2 minutes, remove from the fire, cover with a towel, allow you to cool.
  • Rest on fire, bring to a boil, pour lemon juice, cook for 7 minutes, remove from the fire.
  • The last step is any method of serving: on jars, on the piles, etc.

Jam is a fantasy matter!

Remember that the traditional recipe can always be slightly changed by adding additional ingredients (apples, raspberry, ginger, etc.). Never be afraid to experiment! After all, in cooking, as in any other case, the key to success is creativity and fantasy! And even if the delicacy will be useful!

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