How to make plasticine at home

How to make plasticine at home

Children love to sculpt from plasticine. Useful occupation helps the baby to realize creative abilities and calm down after active games on the street. Do you want the toy to bring the child harm? Make plasticine yourself, without harmful dyes and chemicals.

We do at home planeline from flour

The easiest and fastest method of making safe plasticine. Prepare:

  • glass of water;
  • glass of wheat flour;
  • half a glass of fine grinding salts;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • food dyes of various shades.

Pour lemon juice into a cup, fill with water. Flour in a separate ass. Couple with salt and stir well. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • position the salt mass of flour into a pre-dried saucepan or a frying pan with a thick bottom;
  • add to flour oil and lemon juice, mixed with water. If you do plasticine one shade - add a dye. To obtain different shades, we like the mass after its complete cooling;
  • hold plasticine on fire for 5 minutes. Mass should be solid;
  • cool and disperse.

The kid wants to try plasticine during the game. He edible, the child will not poison. But too salty taste will sweep his hunt to the toy on his teeth. Add the alum to the above components and get soft plasticine, which can be stored in the refrigerator 2 months. The manufacturing process is similar, take 2 tbsp. Spoons of alum and add to the heated mixture with flour.

We do at home plasticine from starch

You will need:

  • glass of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons starch;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • a glass of salt shallow;
  • 3 cups of flour;
  • food dye.

Pour water in the Council, add butter oil. We put the dye and mix. At the very end, add slowly flour with starch, all thoroughly stirring. Plasticine is ready when a homogeneous soft mass come out. It is not necessary to warm on fire. Take the finished material for modeling or store it in a closed box.

Making "Smart Plasticine" at home

This plasticine is solid or soft. He takes a different form that attracts children. The material does not stick to children's handles and does not drink furniture and clothing. Prepare PVA glue, sodium tetraborate, gouache, a small wand made of wood, plastic average sachet and dye chosen color. Start the manufacture:

  • in a deep squeeze, squeeze glue from a tube and dilute the dye. Thoroughly mix the mass with a wand. Put more dye - get a more rich color of the toy. See so that there is no divorce and lumps;
  • by weight, add gradually on a teaspoon of sodium tetraborate. Stir all the time. The mixture thickens, adjust the consistency. The density of plasticine depends on the amount of sodium tetraborate;
  • finished plasticine shock in a bag, and frow it with your hands so that the weight becomes plastic and soft.

Useful advice

Unfortunately, plasticine is not stored for a long time. It loses elasticity and dries. Keep it in the freezer in a hermetic box or disappear into the film. If you have added a lot of water during the manufacture - a little warm the mass, the excess fluid will evaporate.

As part of any home plasticine there are flour, except for "smart". Plasticine figures made by kids from the masses with flour, speck and decorate the children's room. The kid will be delighted with the original decoration.

If the farm has no food dye - add products or safe medicines to the plasticine. Green mass will turn out from the green, brown - from coffee and cocoa. Red plasticine will come from beet and cherry juice. For school children, it is not scary to add to the ground to get the right color gouache. Do not add at all dyes - the white plasticine figure is colorful and then cover with varnish.

A child will easily learn to make different features made of plasticine made by mom. This is an excellent alternative to the stuffing material for modeling and there are no harmful substances.

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