How to make lizen's houses

How to make lizen's houses

Lizun is a viscous, jelly-shaped toy having the properties of Newtonian liquid. In calm state, the lysun spreads, but it is easily assembled, and with a sharp effect it becomes more dense and rushes when you hit. To many since childhood, this pleasant thing was loved by the stuff. Having calmed it for some time, a man calms down, relieves nervous tension. Lizun is an excellent antistress toy. On the shelves stores there are lysons of the most diverse shades. We suggest you to make lysune yourself at home, choosing any of the proposed options.

How to make lizen's houses from dish and soda

  • Pour into any container detergent for dishes. From its quantity will depend on the size of the future lysuine, the more Nallem, the larger the toy will come out.
  • The role of the dye will play ordinary paint gouache. We add the color you like in the dishes with a detergent, mix.
  • We add to the mixture of soda, achieving the necessary density. If necessary, we dilute the lysun with water. We stir all the ingredients to the desired consistency. Soda Lisun is ready!

How to make lizun houses from PVA and Bura

  • We take any capacity, except for the dishes from which we eat, and pour the glue PVA into it.
  • Add dye to glue.
  • We pour portion, on a slightly in the mixture, a solution of borants (sodium tetrabontate). It is sold in any pharmacy. You can take both liquid and powder.
  • Mix all the components, follow the thickness.
  • We shift the lysun into a plastic bag and breathe well to elasticity. Ready!

How to make a lizun home from shampoo

  • In the selected tank mix the shampoo and detergent in equal proportions.
  • Add dye, mix.
  • We put the resulting mixture into the fridge for all night or a few hours for frozen. Lisun is ready to use!

How to make lizun houses from water with flour

Such a lysun is not toxic and absolutely safe for children.

  • In the container, we embarked two glasses of sainted flour.
  • We add a little cold and hot water into the flour in the same proportions. There is a little bit that Lizun does not get too liquid.
  • Add dye.
  • Diligently mix the ingredients before receiving a homogeneous mass.
  • To the mixture frozen, put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

All shown options for creating lysunov at home are very simple, and the ingredients are easily accessible. Cooking toys-lysun is an exciting pastime for children who will gladly agree to experiment with shades and manufacturers. Try all recipes and create your perfect lysuine!

Comments leave a comment
Anonymous 05/05/2017 at 23:06

the way is not working, 10 minutes interfered, soda and the means left a lot, I do not advise

    fUB01 03/18/2018 at 16:56


Victim 09/05/2018 at 22:05

horror, even the tetrabotate did not help, just ideotism


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