How to make a house of cardboard

How to make a house of cardboard

Do not rush to dispose of cardboard boxes, if your children are present. Such a thing, unnecessary at first glance, will be an excellent house for dolls, toys, or even for the child. How to make a house out of cardboard, we describe in this article.

How to make a house out of cardboard dolls

Make a house for the dolls can be of a small cardboard box. To create such a product, it is necessary to stock up on:

  • cardboard boxes of suitable size;
  • adhesive tape;
  • scissors and a sharp knife stationery;
  • watercolor paints and brushes;
  • colored paper;
  • any finishing materials, which are fancy enough.

Multi-storey cardboard dollhouse is done as follows:

  • Boxes, from which it is supposed to build the floors, it is necessary to strengthen the adhesive tape on all sides in order to house not collapsed during the game.
  • Then, they need to cut out the window. To begin, it is better to draw a sharp pencil, and then cut office knife on the planned lines.
  • To create a multi-storey house of the box you need to put on top of each other and glue together.
  • Now you need to make a roof. To do this, take two cardboard sheet of a suitable size and bonded by an angle of 45 °. The roof is mounted on the top box.
  • To get to the lodge had separate rooms, it is necessary to make the walls. Like everything else, they are made of cardboard and mounted inside the box.
  • In principle, the dollhouse is almost ready, it remains the most interesting - to decorate it. To finish construction of a toy can be as you wish, for example, the paste over the colored paper or cloth, decorated with ribbons, lace, beads, buttons or anything else. If you want to bring to the child process, the paste over the wall of the house of plain white paper, and let the kid himself razrisuy them at its discretion.
  • Like the outside, inside the house, too, need to decorate. Here in handy unnecessary remnants of wallpaper, fabrics, oilcloth.

How to make a house out of cardboard for a child

It's no secret that kids just love to build for themselves a small makeshift dwellings of all that falls under the arm. You can help your child and for him to make a cardboard house in a large box that was left, for example, a refrigerator or washing machine. The process of creating such artifacts like the previous one:

  • Cardboard house should be strong, so inside all his joints and corners, seal with adhesive tape.
  • Draw a pencil box, stationery, cut with a knife. Similarly, do the door.
  • If the box is rather low for the child, the top can be cut off and in its place attach the roof L-shaped.
  • Garnish with a cabin can be any materials at hand. You can paste over the paper or wallpaper, paint or simply paint. It is possible to use natural materials for decoration: cones, twigs, leaves.

All items of children's house better bonding tape or a stapler, as the adhesive will not give the desired result and the house falls apart.

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