How to make candies cake

How to make candies cake

Cake from sweets is a sweet and original gift that will fit perfectly in a fun setting on March 8, a new year, a children's holiday. If you want to surprise your relatives, friends, colleagues in an elegant and exotic presentation - make a cake from their favorite candies.

How to make chocolate candy cake

Making a festive cake will be three-core, so tasty candy in beautiful candy candy with a margin. In addition to sweets, you will need: Penoplex (insulation material) 30 mm thick, scissors, corrugated paper, glue, tape.

  • Cut from the insulation three circles with diameters 12, 17, 25 cm. Boil two of them (second and third) corrugated paper, and from the first, retreating 1 cm from the edge, cut out the inner part - the future removable lid.

  • From cardboard, make the second part of the cover Ø12 cm and decorate it with corrugated paper. Connect the blank from the fox hot glue with the cooked carton.

  • At the strip of paper, attach candy with the help of bilateral scotch.

  • Inside the small shape, glue the white corrugation, releasing it with a fringe by 1.5 cm above the edge.

  • Repeat the procedure with other tiers, then glue them by forming a cake. Open the cover of your construction and fill the hole with the candies - it turns out a cake surprise. Delicious gift with ribbons, artificial flowers and lollipops.

How to make a cake from sweets - an easy way

The most simple option is to make a cardboard cake frame. It is still useful: glue, tape, scissors, colored paper and different small things for decorating.

  • Prepare two strips from cardboard, 10 cm width each. Take the length, what is needed, considering that one strip must be shorter.
  • Shill the basics. Attach the resulting cylinders with a hole to the cardboard, circle the circles - the covers will come out. Make on them by retreating from the outer edge of 1 cm, the teeth that will help glue the design and cut the blanks.
  • Apply glue to the teeth and glue the caps at the top of each cylinder. Reduce tiers with colored paper or bright cloth and connect together, fixing glue.

Attach with the help of a sticky ribbon to a candy cake, drag them in the side of the narrow lace, tolding it with a bow. Finished cake Place on a flat dish and serve to the table.

How to make Candy Cake - Varieties

For a frame for a cake, not only foam and cardboard, but also boxes from cookies, sweets, tea. Decorate them at your discretion, turn the sweets, and it will be a special souvenir.

  • On the approach office party? It's time to make a delicious candy dessert with a liqueur or brandy.

  • If you want to please the child on his birthday - a sweet design of juice and sweets will be the best gift option.

  • Congratulate a non-trivial girlfriend with the upcoming marriage, will help the heart cake filled with balloons of Rafaello chocolates.

How to make candies cake - baking

At the home celebration, candy delicacy makes more edible, replacing the cardboard frame with a biscuit dough.

  • Prepare dough from 4 eggs, sugar glasses, 150 gr. flour. Place the whipped mixture into a greased shape and bake 35 minutes at 180º.
  • Cut the billet on the cakes and impregnate them with berry syrup.
  • Collect the cake, missing all layers, sides and top with a cream of whipped butter oil with condensed milk (1: 3) and 1 tbsp. l. cocoa.
  • Use the top of the product to segments, separating their wafer tubes. The same waffles attach to the sides on soft cream, and tighten them to stick, beautiful ribbon. Pour small candy in the sectors, like sea pebbles and put the dessert in the refrigerator at three hours.

Make a cake from sweets is not difficult - it is only worth choosing the right sweets and show fantasy, and already grateful relatives will define your efforts. After all, such a sweet surprise can not be bought in any store!

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