How to make a cake from money

How to make a cake from money

Bring your head over a gift? Of course, the easiest way to prevent money. However, a banal delivery of an envelope with money makes the moment of donation with gray and uninteresting, and a person who has given such a gift is lost in the crowd of guests. The ideal option will be presented to the money in a very original way - in the form of a cash cake.

Create a cash present in the form of a cake is quite easy. The birthday girl will be immensely grateful. It is for them that he will buy what has long dreamed of. The minimum of spent time and maximum positive impressions from such a gift will be provided. To do you prepare:

  1. Money (approximately 100 pre-inflated bills);
  2. Tight and soft (watman) cardboard;
  3. Paper clips;
  4. Glue or double-sided adhesion;
  5. Tape from satin;
  6. Bow.


Determine the cake longline. Standard is considered a three-tier cake. However, you can connect fantasy and create your own monkey masterpiece. If the budget is limited - a cake can be made two-layer.

Take a tight cardboard and cut three circles from it (bases) of 10, 20 and 30 cm. From soft cardboard or watman Cut three strips with length - 35, 65 and 95 cm. The width of the bands on the scale should approach the width of the banknote. Strips are glued with glue to circles in such a way that the cardboard remains a small side. Top cylinders create small petals. It is with the help of them the frames will be glued together.

Cake 1.

Take care of the decoration of the cake. Twist each prepared bill into the tube, with a diameter of approximately 2 cm. In order for the birthday room to use money, it is impossible to mount them with glue. Therefore, take the stationery clips and every twisted bill attach to the finished base (tier). Starting on the left side, on the tail of the previous bills, place and fasten the following while the cylinder area is not filled with money. Decorate all three tiers. Take the bottom layer around the circumference with a beautiful ribbon and place it on a tray. Ribbon decorate in the future every finished tier. Satin strip Select one color range with bills. Better - a little darker. Then the color of the monetary signs will be beneficial to emphasize Basma.

Place the second, decorated with a layer on the first and secure them with each other with glue. To connect the layers, you can also use double-sided adhesion. Thus, create and secure all three tiers with each other.

Decorate the top of the cake. To do this, take the decorative paper or a thin cardboard and cut the top of the cake. This vertex decorate a beautiful bow. Another original option to decorate the top of the cake is an inflatable ball with money. To do this, twist money into a dense tube and shove alternately into the ball. Attach it to the top of the money cake.

To create a cake from money, special skills and skills are required. It is enough to follow the instructions, minimum of accuracy and, of course, the main thing - the desire to please and surprise the culprit of the celebration. Such a gift always causes a storm of positive emotions on any holiday, like Cake from diapersMade with your own hands.

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