How to make a new year postcard

How to make a new year postcard

For the new year, it is customary to give gifts and postcards with sincere wishes. Of course, a postcard can be bought in the store - the choice is quite large and varied. But what could be better than to give a postcard made by your own hands? In fact, there is nothing complicated. You just need to be patient and the necessary props.

On the New Year's postcard can be depicted, in principle, anything. But still it is preferable to stop the choice on something winter: a Christmas tree, snowman, snowflakes, etc. Cut out of a dense cardboard the basis of the card in the form of a book. In the middle, you can then write a wish. On the main, the title page you have to apply the pattern. The more unusual and the original it will be, the more beautiful it will be a postcard. The main thing, do not be afraid to experiment.


It is important to think over the overall style of the postcard. For a child, colorful elements should be provided, a children's direct ornament. For a loved one, romantic motives will suit, but do not forget about the New Year's idea. To close friends you can think over a humorous postcard, and parents create something classic, traditional.


Deciding with the style, draw a pencil sketch of your postcard. Think out where the element will be located. In approximately in the middle, you can place a central application. Radom with her - text (if provided). All small decorative elements should be positioned on the second plan (along the edges, on the back side of the postcard).


How can I decorate a postcard? All that you get on hand. For example, it seems to be draped, openwork braid, satin ribbons, lace cloths. Glitter will help add beads, multicolored rhinestones, buttons. Snowflakes can be cut from brilliant sparkling elements (wrappers from candy, foil). Snow can be imitated with cotton, foam. If you want to portray the Christmas tree, you can use real coniferous needles, color cardboard, felt, sesame. Christmas toys can simulate beads, beads, small bows. It would be appropriate to look at a cheerful snowman with a real little broom.


The original postcard will turn out if you use multi-layer technology: overlaying multiple layers to each other so that each subsequent slightly smaller size (or slightly rotate relative to the previous one). It is desirable for billets to use paper of different textures, colors, ornaments. From above, you can decorate the structure with ribbon, bow, rhinestones, beads.


You can also make a postcard with carved fragments on the main page, so that the inner part of the postcard is visible through the title leaflet. Think up the idea of \u200b\u200bregistration in such a way that the decorative elements on the inner reversal fit into general subjects. It can be beads, bows of ribbons, bulk snowflakes.


The congratulatory text itself Write a bright marker, marker. If the size of the text allows, the letters can be cut out of colored paper, only consider the overall style of the product.

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Do not try to fit a lot of various elements on one postcard. Choose some one central in the form of a spectacular applique to not clutter the product. And do not forget that the New Year's postcard must blame and sparkle. In this you will help the beads, rhinestones, multicolored foil, ribbons.

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