How to make a new year wreath do it yourself

How to make a new year wreath do it yourself

The closer the most favorite holiday of the new year, the more often our thoughts on the decoration of the house are visited. Today in the store you can buy a huge number of decorations, but is it worth spending money on them? It is better to do them yourself, especially since it is very fascinating. Today we will talk about New Year's wreaths - about their species and how to make them.

Materials and tools for the New Year Wreath

You will need:

  • flexible wire;
  • long thin twigs of trees;
  • small fresh or artificial fir branches;
  • scissors and booths;
  • glue pistol;
  • cotton;
  • foam
  • trimming linen fabric and satin ribbons;
  • a variety of small details: cones, balls, dried flowers, candies, nuts; Foil bows, paper snowflakes, etc.

Applying this small set can make an exclusive Christmas wreath. And if you have more creatively to go to the business, then the decoration will be absolutely from any girlfriend.

Types of New Year's wreaths

All wreaths are made from their basis in the form of a circle.

Wreath of branches

  • Thin twigs hold one hour in warm water so that they become more flexible.
  • Thinks to dry the tissue and form a circle of them.
  • To keep the circle shape, fix it with a flexible wire.

The resulting base is reeling with cones, dry flowers and leaves, spices and sweets in beautiful wraps. Attach them to the base with a glue gun.

Wreath of conifers

For such a wreath, first make a range of several folded wires folded together. They are brought together with small pieces of wire or ordinary stationery clips. Bind fir sprigs based on the basis. Breaks Pretty thick, so that the wire is not visible through them.

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Spruce wreath decorate ribbons, balls, dried berries, homemade asterisks or nuts, wrapped in a gold foil.

Walnie wreath

For such a wreath you will need the base from the wire, but wrapped by cotton. Top watts Mix the linen fabric sliced \u200b\u200bon long slices or watches cotton satin ribbons. Decorate wreath by any decorative elements that you like.

The wreath of wreath from the wool will be a wreath with New Year's balls. Attach them to relatively linen by the method of ordinary sewing.

Porolone Circle Wreath

Take a large piece of thick foam rubber and cut off the bagel out of it. To do this, put the largest plate on the Fa rubber sheet, which will be found in the house. Circlave it with a thick felt-tip pen. For the outlined markup cut the circle. In his center, put a plate smaller and also circle her felt-tip pen. Cut the inside. As a result, you will have the basis for a wreath.

Now on the foam rubber, glue dry spices, chestnut seeds, coffee grains and cinnamon sticks. Such a wreath will turn out not only beautiful, but also very fragrant. In addition to spices, you can decorate the wreath with cones, acorns, fruit dules and dry leaves.

New Year's wreath. -Master class

Variety of wreaths and places of their installation

Having learned to make a round base wreath you can come up with absolutely any. Combine fir branches and clusters of berries, balls and bows, bumps and a variety of small figures. Try to watch the wreath in harmoniously and combined with the decoration of the Christmas tree. New Year's wreath, made with your own hands, can be fixed on the entrance door. They are well decorated with a window with a transparent curtain or empty wall. Wreath will look great and just lying on the table. Then it is allowed to insert candles that are lit on New Year's Eve.

Do not rush to the store for home decorations. Better go to the nearest park and type dry branches. Buy fir branches that are very cheap on Christmas markets. Find balls on the mezzans and other decorations for the Christmas tree. In a box for home handwelding take ribbons and lace. Taking advantage of our advice, come up with your original wreath and embody it in life. For the similarity of a big wreath, make a few small and give them to your friends - they will certainly appreciate your man-made gift.

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