How to make numbers from balls

How to make numbers from balls

Balloons, the main purpose of which from the very beginning - the decoration of the holiday, today did not lose this goal. Moreover, they poured into a whole art called Aerodesign. Huge figures, numbers, arches and much more are manufactured by skillful aerodyne masters, but if you wish to make primitive figures from balloons can be independently.

For the manufacture of the simplest figure, such as a digit, it is necessary to purchase: specialized balloons (optimal size No. 5), a fishing line, a pump for inflate balls and a cable (for frame). Selection of color gamut and the number of balloons depends on your preferences and the size of the figure. Also, warn the seller that you want to recreate the figure from the balls yourself, so that it picks up the balls more durable and convenient for the start of the Aerodize classes.

To begin with, prepare the frame of the figures from the cable, for this it will fit the AVVG 4x25 format. After the formation of the foundation of the figure, do not forget to bend one of the edges of the cable, so that when the balls are notched, they do not scatter, and at the end of the work, get the other edge.

The easiest way to twist the balls for rolling on the frame is a compound of four pieces. Thus, you will receive twists, which are called "primitives" in the aerodisayne. Then they are dressed on the finished frame. The resulting digit can hang onto the wall using a fishing line or some durable threads or create a small round or square base from the balls on which then and install it, securing the fishing line. The base is manufactured in the same sequence and on the same principle as the figure.

Decorate any holiday with balls that are not only chaotically scattered around the room, but also formed into thematic figures, you can independently without resorting to the help of specialists. Such decoration will give your holiday more bright colors, and the made digit from the balls will continue for a few weeks, reminding about the last holiday.

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