How to make hand on Halloween

How to make hand on Halloween

The frightening bleeding wound on hand will be a "highlight" of any image on Halloween. And it is not at all necessary for this to be a professional make-up one and have special means and devices at hand.

The contour of the wound and the places where the skin will be hung up, abundantly smear glue for eyelashes or ordinary PVA. Sweep with cold air hair dryers. On the dry "wound" apply sponge Conducting tone cream.

Pink shadows circle the outline of the wound from the outside to create an irritation effect. To add naturalness, growing shadows with a round brush. On the inside of the contour, apply brown shadows. Also slightly sharpening the filled glue. Corners and deepening of "wounds" highlight with black shadows.

Artificial blood can be done using red food paint for Easter eggs and gelatin, and you can use aluminum and border shades of lipstick. Apply "Blood" to "wound" with a tassel.

The finished "scar" can be carefully so as not to tear the applique, sew.

If you want to make an artificial brush of your hands so that it falls off when handshaking, you can inflate the medical glove to the normal size of the hand, tie a tight like a ball, and a papier-mache technique to get a "hand" with small equal pieces of paper or newspaper. And you can melt enough wax and pour it into the glove. Do not forget to give the natural form "hand".

After complete drying, cover the billet with a layer of corporal paint or a tonal cream. From above For permissive, you turn the rubber glove of the body color. And then give the will of Fantasy: You can simulate a cut or wound, as described above in the article or in the video, you can attach to this hand and hide a terrible spider or mouse into the sleeve, which will jump on a friend at the time of tearing hands.

Merry holiday and positive in life!

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